Senior Portraits - Carson Ellis Weatherford

Wanna know what makes me feel 30? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures. Wanna know what makes my heart wanna burst with pride? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures!

I was 12 when Carson was born and he was immediately my little baby. When we brought him home from the hospital I took him straight up to the nursery and locked the door. He was mine!! My grandmother tells me she almost had a heart attack ;) It's been a unique experience to actually remember my brother being born, him as a toddler, graduating kindergarten, and now preparing to graduate high school. 

Dad died when Carson was only 10 years old. A young man's path can be extremely altered by such a significant loss, but Carson's connection with Dad was so strong that his impact as a father for those short 10 years has remained a grounding contributor to Carson's growth. Our Dad kept a journal, which is priceless to us now that he is gone (I recommend every parent doing the same), and below are two excerpts I thought I would share:

Carson, we are so thankful you were born! You remind many people of our Dad, and I think we can all see why...
Back to the senior pictures: The session went how you would expect between a tired, hungry, “over-it” brother and an annoying, bossy, prodding seeeester. But it worked! Even though I couldn’t convince him to skip through the leaves and his shirt was wrinkled, we still got some great shots! Especially of his classic Carson hair flip. In the end, all he wanted was a good picture with his letterman jacket and his truck, so I think my client is happy.

I’m incredibly proud of him and excited to continue to watch him grown into the man he is meant to be!

Favorite Things

First, thank you for the support, encouragement, and prayers in response to Monday's post. I had a few moments of "oh my goodness what was I thinking putting all of that on the internet?!?!?" but then the overwhelming sense of relief since sharing my story was exactly what my heart needed. So thank you.


Three out of the five pictures below have rattan/wicker in them. I'm sensing a shift in my style and I'm excited to see where this newfound west-coast-vibe takes me! Here are some things around the house that have been inspiring me this week:
{all the Fall decorating I can handle this year, purposely displayed in our entrance landing}
{I bought these porcelain profile bust earrings at a sidewalk sale on my street for $5, and I wear them almost everyday}
{I recently photographed Roswelle's room and I'm looking foward to sharing the updates made for toddler life}
{I don't know what it is about gourds, but I feel so earthly and healthy cooking with them. Also, #Fall}
{the view from the stairs as I walk to our bedroom (although the lamp has got to go)}

Lastly, we sold our bed (explains picture above). It was a great bed, but as y'all are probably figuring out by now, I change my mind frequently when it comes to our home. It was the last piece of Paul's bachelorhood. When we were breaking it apart, Paul made the comment that he couldn't believe I actually waited this long change it. And now, I'm on the hunt for a new on the lookout for a round-up post! But for now, I really love the way our bed looks on the's so grounding. Ha! But in all seriousness, I think we may go lower this time around.  Stay tuned...

A Simple Butternut Squash Soup

This butternut squash soup is everything you want it to be: smooth, sweet, savory, and simple. I know a lot of you are excited to break out your crockpot - well here is a recipe to add to your fall line-up!

I couldn't believe how fast the squash was ready - only 2 1/2 hours (on high) and no peeling, chopping, or prepping involved!! My guess is that it would take ~6 hours on a low setting, if you decided to prep this during the work day. Once cooked, the squash is immediately ready to be pureed in a blender. In the original recipe an immersion blender was used, although I used my regular blender and it worked very well. Don't be intimidated by recipes if you don't have all the ingredients or tools - in my experience, improvising usually ends well.

I've included self-explanatory pictures that illustrate the detailed steps listed in the link below. The only difference in my approach was using full fat coconut milk. In our house, we love all the fat we can get, especially the healthy kind. I also tripled the recipe which could easily serve 6-8 people.

I served it last night to our weekly community group and it was a hit! I set out a garnishing tray with chopped chives, black pepper, more coconut milk, nutmeg, and italian breadsticks. 

This was the very first time I made this meal and I was pleasantly surprised - I highly recommend!

Original Recipe: (thank you Emily B. for sending along!)

Life Lately: my IVF journey thus far

{me and my wee-little embryo. spoiler alert: it didn't make it}

Just over 3 years ago, Paul and I experienced the amazing moment of a positive pregnancy test. It was our second month of trying to conceive, and our heart’s desire had quickly been filled with a new baby on the way! Roswelle Gray Lashway arrived 9 months later and I became a Mom. It was blissfully simple, other than my water breaking at 37 weeks at a restaurant in Ogunquit, Maine.  

All I have ever wanted to be was a mother - and thankfully I AM. I should pause here to say that our journey has been so much more bearable, blessed even, with Roswelle in our lives. She is our walking, laughing, growing little miracle. Right now I’m at a place where the longer it takes me to get pregnant, the more I appreciate my one-on-one time with my little angel.

Ever since I can remember, I have envisioned myself with a big family.  I always assumed I was going to be a fertile-Myrtle (see: my Mom and her 4 children). And after having Roswelle I saw no reason why my plan (and time-frame) wasn’t going to play out as I had dreamed. And then when “my plan” wasn’t falling into place, I was devastated. There is no other way to put it: I’ve struggled with a lot of self-judgment. It has been very difficult, and I’m still not there, but I’m trying to understand God’s plan for me while leaving my manufactured plan behind.

For the first 9 months of trying for a second baby I was incredibly private, you could even say secretive. Each month of no baby, the secret kept becoming more poisonous. I was trying everything: less running, then more running, no coffee, then as much coffee as my heart desired, acupuncture (which I loved), blackstrap molasses (for iron), gluten-free (still am), all the ovulation strips, all the wives-tales you can think of, and even a glass of champagne on ovulation day to help my body (and mind) relax. And yes, there were even months where I truly “didn’t think about it” and didn’t even really want to get pregnant, and alas I still didn’t get pregnant! But no matter what I tried, my anxiety fed off the secret, creating a tumultuous cycle. I was trying so hard to be zen from the inside out, to create a comfy space for a new baby, but the secret of unsuccessfully trying was consuming. My closest of friends, even family, were all kept in the dark. I was so scared that people would see me as flawed, a disappointment, infertile.

Then finally, after a lot of encouragement from Paul, I did it. I shared. I don’t even remember who the first person I told was, or how much I told them, but I do remember cautiously mentioning that IVF was something we were considering (Paul and I had already met with an endocrinologist in January to discuss our options). I’m sure it was awkward for both parties, no one can ever say the right thing the right way, and emotions were high on my part. But that first release felt so good. So good in fact that the leak of the secret turned into a flow of information. I started telling anyone and everyone. The more people I told, the lighter the burden. The judgements I had put on myself and my body started to crumble and I began to see myself in a new light.

Fast forward to July, Paul and I went through our first round of IVF. Because my uterus is smaller than normal (a unicornuate to be exact), twins are medically risky for me, leading us directly to IVF with single embryo transfers, skipping the less invasive options of clomid/IUI. We had a successful first cycle, with a seamless 5-day fresh transfer, which unfortunately, did not stick. I’m intentionally not including my egg retrieval results in this post. I have gone down the dark rabbit hole of searching for other women’s stats – egg count, fertilization, and embryo numbers. I compared myself to these women and their numbers when I knew NOTHING about their medical history, doctors, or lifestyle! My girlfriend finally told me to stop putting other people’s experiences into my own expectations.

I recently ear-marked the paragraph below from the book Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. Once I stopped wallowing in what wasn’t happening for me, I finally remembered I actually AM what I was trying to be: fearfully and wonderfully made, a marvelous work.

“But aren’t all great quests folly? El Dorado and the Fountain of Youth and the search for intelligent life in the cosmos – we know what’s out there. It’s what isn’t that truly compels us. Technology may have shrunk the epic journey to a couple of short car rides and regional jet legs – four states and twelve hundred miles traversed in an afternoon – but true quests aren’t measured in time or distance anyways, so much as in hope. There are only two good outcomes for a quest like this, the hope of the serendipitous savant – sail for Asia and stumble on America – and the hope of scarecrows and tin men: that you find out you had the thing you sought all along.”

No matter what, this blog will continue to be about all things inspiring and I hope this post in itself inspires you to share. Whatever you are going through, try to let someone in. Bring it out of the darkness, into the light; it will lose its power over you. From my experience, being transparent has been an antidote to self-judgment.  I found that when I shared what we were going through, SO many others had experienced or were facing something similar. You are not alone in this, so try to resist alienating yourself. We are designed to thrive in a community: loving others and allowing others to love us.

We have had multiple delays, hurdles, and disappointments and I’m sure there will be more – because that’s life. But for now we are comfortable in our season of trust and patience. Paul says at least once a week “It’s not a matter of ‘if’ we are able to hold another baby, it is just a matter of ‘when and how’.” That may be more IVF cycles, it may be adoption, it may be a naturally conceived baby. I’m thankful for the hope that comes will all of those possibilities.

It’s hard for me to push “publish” on this, but it means too much to me not to share. Blog posts that are worthy of a real conversation are always hard to put out there for y’all to read, there will inevitably be things I unintentionally leave out. But thank you for listening while I listen to my heart that is nudging me to “share.”

Styling 101

One of my favorite hobbies is "styling". My grandfather jokes that hobbies "like those" are just another form of OCD behavior. Maybe so, but I find it to be one of the more enjoyable, relaxing, even therapeutic past-times. When Paul takes Roswelle to the park on Sunday afternoons, you’ll most likely find me at home “styling” our pantry, coffee table, even my closet.

Isn’t that just glorified organizing you might ask? Nope. The reason an organized linen closet looks so appealing in a magazine isn’t because they finally figured out the perfect place to store fabric softener, it’s because it was styled. Every object was strategically chosen and intentionally placed. Geometry comes into play when styling; angles, odd numbers, lines, symmetry, all crucial. Fun fact: I received the Geometry award in the 9th grade, which is telling I think.

We recently purchased a new acrylic coffee table from CB2. I chose the sleek style of acrylic to offset my rather traditional decorating. Gold and Navy go so well together because they are on opposite ends of the color wheel, and the same goes for style. Next time you are making a purchase, consider looking at the exact opposite of what you typically choose. You’ll be surprise at how well it compliments your current decor! The see-through element of the acrylic also opens up our rather small space; every square foot is important in city living. It was fun to have the challenge of selecting the perfect pieces (from around our home) to curate an interesting vignette in our living room. 
I've been using a long wooden cutting board as our "coaster" and it has been working so well! Small bowls of cheerios, sippy cups and cups of coffee all sit together giving my OCD something to smile about. Roswelle is also a little toddler that likes things in their place (wonder why) so she typical complies with the coffee table rules: no climbing, no banging, and putting her cup back on the board. Speaking of Roswelle and the coffee table, she loves laying underneath it and watching TV through it; it's become another great little cubby for her. And her tiny, slimy hands leave plenty of smudges on it all day long, but it's nothing I can't wipe up at the end of the day and doesn't bother me.
I was so delighted to find the little white whicker tray already in my home!! It was turned upside down on the breakfast tray I was using in front of the fireplace (seen here). It's the perfect size and color for the new coffee table and I'm really happy it has curved, circular handles to offset all of the lines. A tray on any table always adds an element of style and forces you to curate an interesting collection. A great rule of thumb that I learned from Emily Henderson, author of the Styled book on the table, is to have something vertical, horizontal, and finally a little mis-shapen piece to tie it all together and for this tray that is the little Jonathan Adler zebra dish.

High School Senior Portrait - Allison Luly

I’ve known this High School Senior since she was born. We grew up on in the same single road neighborhood in the small town of Free Home, GA. Our families have kept in touch through the years - there is special bond of growing up together that just doesn’t seem to fade. While she is most comfortable on the basketball court (she has been offered a full athletic scholarship...), she was more than willing to skip, twirl, and let her silly, lighthearted side shine through!

Area Rug Round Up

Our living room rug takes a beating. We are not a “no shoes” household, Paul and I eat dinner at the coffee table EVERY night, and I am generally a spill-prone person, especially when I’m trying extra hard not to spill. I’m also inclined to change things up, frequently. Hence, we got a new rug (pictures coming Friday)! Considering we live in toddlerville at the moment, Paul and I made the collective decision to buy inexpensive, comfortable rugs and continue to switch them out every 2-3 years. 

I scoured the internet for discounted rugs, hitting up the usual sites: Wayfair, RugsUSA, Overstock, Ikea… I was finding plenty of rugs I loved, but not at prices I could live with – especially knowing Roswelle will inevitably spill milk on it soon after its arrival. My mom suggested I look at the rugs on HomeDepot’s website. I skeptically browsed the site, and was pleasantly surprised to find not one, but multiple affordable rugs that I actually liked, even loved! (this post is not sponsored, but it might as well be)

Below I have categorized my favorite area rugs at price points of $300, $600, and $900; all from My advice when searching for your new rug is to keep it simple, keep it classic. I have fallen into the trap of buying a trendy rug, hello espresso Chevron 5x8 rug of 2012 (if you search back far enough on the blog, you will find it!). Everything about it was wrong, the pattern was trendy, the color was bold, and the size was WAY too small – none of the furniture even touched the edges! I’ve come a long way since then, and I now select complimentary, comfy, cost-efficient rugs.

I haven’t personally tested these rugs, so I would rely heavily on customer reviews if considering to purchase.  I will say the return process is seamless.  I had a rug shipped to my local Home Depot store, changed my mind as I found a similar, slightly less expensive one at HomeGoods, and was able to return the rug for a full refund from the store without ever bringing home! We are in need of a new bedroom rug as well and I will be returning to this list when I decide to buy it!

Area Rugs // Under $300

 1 |  2 |  3 | 4 | 56 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Area Rugs // Under $600

Links //
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Area Rugs // Under $900

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (on sale now!!) | 5 | 6

Home Sweet Georgia

Today Paul, Roswelle, and I fly back to our home in Boston. I've enjoyed 8 full days in my hometown, Dawsonville, GA. Someone asked me yesterday what I've been up to while home; my mom and I looked at each other and both replied "anything and everything!" We have busy days on the go, visiting here and there; and then days where we don't leave my mom's house except for a walk up the drive to see her neighbors new labrador puppies.

I'm thankful for Paul's ability to work remotely, Roswelle's lack of school schedule, and my stay-at-home mom schedule which allows for frequent visits.

Below are some pictures that will hold me over until we are back in November for more Fall football. 

{the first glimpse of North Georgia Fall}
{my mom's house has a large white wall with great light that inspires me to take more pictures - this was right after going to see my friend/stylist Ashley at J. Thomas Salon}
{I secretly love hearing the groans and seeing the eye-rolls of my brothers when I put out new veggies for dinner - this time it was roasted beets. Carson decided to make a quick trip to Chick-fil-A instead}
{each night I plan to wake up extra early and enjoy a cup of coffee while looking out on the calm lake. I never do, and instead sleep past 9...}
{he is always right under my feet when I am home and I wouldn't have it any other way}
{forever patiently waiting for the accidental, and frequent, drop of food}
{exposing her to the magic of high-school football - she loved it!} 
 {this pretty much sums up a high school guy's attitude towards forced senior pictures}
{a sneak peak of a senior picture session I did this week - will be sharing more pictures of this sweet girl soon!}

September Salad Tacos

In September, I'm not quite ready for a warm crockpot meal, as the chill hasn't quite hit the air yet. However, I'm over my summer salad kick. Recently, I've started taking all of my salad ingredients (including the dressing!), rolling them up in a corn tortilla, dipping in a salsa, giving me just enough change in our dinner menu. It's a great refresh on ingredients I already love. (The corn tortillas also meet my GF/DF diet restrictions - Mexican food has become a safe haven for me)

As more and more Fall vegetables become in season, I plan to bake them along with my chicken breasts (which I always cook on the bone). Asparagus, beets, even butternut squash would all be great additions.

For recipe details, see end of post. Enjoy! xo Lauren

Y'all. My secret sauce to tacos is white balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Each taco only needs a splash. It may seem out of place, but give it a try!


• Coat Chicken Breast (on bone) with sliced bell peppers in avocado oil, salt, & pepper. Bake at 400º for 1 hour. Broil on high for 5-10 minutes until skin is crispy. 
• Prepare avocado, arugula, limes, salsa and cheese if desired
• Broil corn tortillas for 2 minutes
• Combine ingredients, fold and enjoy!

Traveling with Baby: Carry-on Guide

I've flown with Roswelle literally too many times to count. Our first flight was when she was 9 weeks old and her most recent flight will be this afternoon for a trip to GA to visit family. Traveling with a baby has multiple challenges, and they change with the age of the child (or children). Below I've highlighted some of my favorite products for traveling with children from 0 to 2+ years of age. Some of the products might be obvious, some not so much, and I've written a quick blurb as to why each item was selected.

Travel with Baby
This is a great age to fly. Challenges: keeping their ears unplugged from altitude change, going to the bathroom with a baby attached to you (if flying alone - which I often do), and keeping germs away from your baby!!!! Perks: The plane will lull them to sleep, you don't need to pack too much to keep them occupied, and they are fairly predictable at this age. 

Items to carry-on...
1: Changing Station - most planes have a small changing station, however some older planes won't. You may find yourself changing your baby on the floor in the back of the plane. Even if you are lucky enough to have a changing station in the bathroom, you will want this pad to make things easier.
2: Medela hand pump - I pray you never have a delay while on a plane with a baby, but there is a chance it will happen. If your baby isn't nursing, or you just need some relief, this manual hand-pump is a great solution when you don't have access to an outlet for power.
3: Infantino 360 Carrier - So many carriers are $150+ which is just absurd, even though I'm pretty sure I have one. However, this Infantine brand is affordable at $29.99 and works so well! I would strap Roswelle into our carrier on the flight and after she fell asleep I would have my hands free to read a magazine - such a treat.
4: Downtown Tote - You will need a large sturdy bag to carry all that a baby requires.  This pottery barn tote is stylish and useful with lots of pockets inside. 
5: Stanley Thermos - Whether you have packed pre-pumped milk or using formula, it is always great to have a way to warm up the bottle for baby. This thermos will keep water piping hot all day long and is big enough that you can pop the bottle in the canteen of hot water, close it up, and in 10 minutes or less you have a warm bottle.
6A: Oh Joy! Swaddle Blanket - I love the swaddle blankets because they cover so much space and are super light weight. I would keep one over Roswelle when in the carrier or my arms, and God forbid you sit next to someone with a cough, your baby will be all the more protected.
6B: Oh Joy! Flamingo - just super cute and takes up little space in your bag.
7: WubbaNub - So obvious, but so important that it must be included on this list.

Travel with Baby

In my opinion this is by farrrrr the hardest age to fly with a baby. They are less likely to sleep on the plane and they want to move move MOVE!! I highly suggest flying with a partner during this age but if you must fly alone (again I did 60% of the time, so it can be done!) here are some items that will make the flight less traumatic for you (I silently cried many times mid-flight during this stage)...

Items to carry-on...

1: Oh Joy! Backpack Diaper Bag - A backpack will come in handy when chasing your walker/runner around the airport, jetway, or airplane aisle. I love the Oh Joy! line at Target. 
2: Jellycat Puppy - The Jellycat brand is a universal hit with little humans and the puppy seems to be a front runner! If you don't have one yet, maybe wait until the flight to bring it out? Your baby will be delighted with a new, interesting toy to hold during the flight.
3: Water Wipes - Regular wipes are great, but I don't love using them on Roswelle's food containers, hands, or mouth. These chemical free version is a safer way to wipe the mess away.
4a: Food Pouches - Food, food, food, and more food. I stuffed Roswelle silly on flights during this age.
4b: Little Yums - Another favorite, more bang for your buck and organic.
5: Munchkin 360 Sippy Cup - It took her a while to figure these out, but once she did it became a favorite brand of her's and mine and is less likely to leak.
6: Karen Katz Books - At this age, she loved flap books and being quizzed on body parts. Karen Katz fills our bookshelf!

Travel with Baby
I am LOVING this age for flying. Roswelle gets her own seat next to me (tough on the budget, but so good for my soul). She has a longer attention span, will sit still longer, and I can sometimes even reason with her! 

Items to carry-on....
1: Affordable Urbini Stroller - Never give up the stroller when traveling. So many airports have express security lines for strollers. I plan to have Roswelle in one at the airport until she is 6 ;) I wouldn't suggest bringing an expensive brand as they will make you gate-check the stroller and we have had one broken. We love the urbini brand from Wal-mart and it costs only $60.
2. Trader Joe's Fruit Bars - These have been a favorite of mine for some time now. Roswelle loves them and I know exactly what ingredients are in them.
3: Personalized Backpack - Have your toddler help with the load! Roswelle loves wearing her personalized backpack gifted from Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob. And it frees up some space in my purse.
4: Disney's Lady - Bring a favorite stuffed animal ("Lady" for Roswelle) and maybe a new one (Tramp) or a new toy for a guaranteed good mood.
5: Bandaids - Roswelle loves bandaids at the moments, and they take up little space when packing but provide a good amount of entertainment.
6a: iPad Kid Case - Do you like sitting on a 3 hour flight without something to watch/read/entertain you? I doubt it, so why make your toddler? This is a time when I 100% promote some screen-time.
6b: On ear Headphones - Roswelle is just now agreeing to wear these at age two and I just keep the volume down super low.

Favorite Things

I'm timidly dipping my toe back into the blogging pool. I'm excited to come back to this great little platform for inspiring, sharing, and creating - I've missed it! I'll be attempting to write 2x a week, I hope y'all stay tuned.

Have a great weekend and see you back here on Monday for what to pack when traveling with a baby, which is fitting as Roswelle and I are flying to GA that very day! 

Below are pictures of things around the house that are making me happy

{this droopy seeded eucalyptus is quite uplifting on our kitchen table}
{I got this mask as a sample gift and just ordered my second jar as it evens out my skin tone so well}
{sometimes a bookshelf just takes up too much room, this bathroom towel rack is a great space saver}

Simple September Make-up

While we transition into Fall, I'm excited for knitted sweaters and new thick heeled boots, but I'm planning to extend my simple summer make-up routine for as long as possible. In the warmer months, I wear as little as possible, no foundation, no eyeshadow, and a rare occurrence of eye-liner. With a sun-kissed tan and beach-y hair, you just don't need much, even well into September. I'll never give up mascara though, it can make me feel as awake as a cup of coffee. Do any of y'all agree?

Below I have listed out what I wear every day (also pictured above). 

in order of how I apply...

1) Cover FX Concealer: A beauty consultant at Sephora got me hooked to this product. Cover FX is free of the inflammatory 5: mineral oil, fragrance, gluten, parabens and talc. Made for the most sensitive skin types; it provides a healthy, safe, amazing coverage.

2) Dior Finish Fluid Foundation Brush: I bought this at a make-up party last Fall with Dior's Airflash foundation (which I use in the winter). I love the angled edge and it has never shed on my face.

3) Diorshow Iconic Overcurl Mascara: There has been a cult following for this mascara for some time now, and I only joined in last Fall. Full coverage, lash extension, lasts all day, and washes off easily. I don't know that I will ever switch.

4) Tarte Cheek Stain: I prefer the dewy (supple) look when it comes to make-up which is why I changed to cheek stain a few years ago. I was a fan of Josie Maran's cheek gel for years but when Sephora stopped carrying it, I started using Tarte's stain and I have been more than happy with the results.

5) Too Faced Soleil Matte Bronzer: I went to Sephora looking for a bronzer without shimmer as I have a theory that the shimmer/sparkle causes my skin to break out. With a fresh coconut scent and just the right amount of color, I left a happy customer! Also, he told me to dab on my bronzer, instead of swiping on which messes up all the work you just did with your concealer, foundation, cheek stain etc! I use a random Essence of Beauty brush to apply which I bought from CVS. I know there are better brushes out there for over-all coverage, but for now this one is working.

6) Maybelline Eyelash Curler: I've tried other brands, but I always come back to the tried and true Maybelline version.

LDW Plans: Chequessett Cafe and Food Truck!

I know for certain this will be our last weekend weekend at the cottage in Truro. We have had no shortage of sun for us this summer. So while the forecast has some cooler temps and clouds, we will be enjoying the yard, food truck, and chasing waves. I pulled out all of the navy and orange I could find to dress Roswelle, Maddie, and Teddy for the big Auburn game on Saturday. War Eagle!

Speaking of food truck, I plan to eat numerous meals at our new favorite spot just a short walk away from the cottage, Chequessett Chocolate Cafe and Joey's Food truck. If you follow on me on Instagram, you know how much I love it there. I've been gluten and dairy free for some time now, and this shop provides a healthy take on all things I crave. The corn tortilla tacos are super satisfying and the coldbrew shakes with cocoa and almond milk from Chequessett feel absolutely indulgent. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of either - I always inhale everything too quickly to get a good picture. However - I do have a cute snap video of Paul and Roswelle about to do 'work, work, work' on the tacos at the end of this post (fingers crossed it actually plays).

As you can see in the pictures below, it's a family favorite! Hope you have a wonderful 3 day weekend.


Declan Rock - Lifestyle Newborn

I will always feel lucky to enter a home with a brand-new baby. The scene is typically the same when I arrive to take photos, the Mom has the "pretty tired" that only a glowing, new mom can exude; dad is being his most cooperative, helpful self; and if there is an older sibling they are so excited for a new visitor! 

Tara and I became fast friends when we got our now toddlers together for their first play-date at 9 months old. I took pictures of her family back in November (see here) and seeing them as a new family of four makes my heart so happy!

What I'm learning as I continue to photograph more and more newborns... 1) your baby will be awake even though he/she slept every day at this time before scheduled photo-shoot 2) your baby will spit up 3) mom and dad will sweat and probably forget to breathe enough 4) there should be multiple breaks for nursing and drinking lots of water 5) every noise machine/fan in the house should be on 6) warm rooms! keep that baby warm and snuggly :)

Welcome to the world Declan Rock Humphreys, I have no doubt you are going to make it a better place.

Living Room Update: August 2016

After our two week vacation on the cape, I returned home feeling refreshed and inspired. I wanted to channel all the sun and lightness from the summer into my home. It didn't take much - just some rearranging of all things white, adding some live greenery, and more reflective mirror action.

After a trip to T.J. Maxx and Marshall's, a climb into my attic and some shifting of throw pillows; my refresh was complete (for now, let's be honest). Nate Berkus suggests taking everything out of a space, and then putting it all back together when you are needing a refresher not a re-do. Even just moving a potted plant from the floor to the mantel can give it a whole new life! details below...
I replaced the large statement clock above the couch with two mirrors. The original plan was to find one long, large, rectangle mirror but when I spotted this pair at T.J. Maxx, I decided a pair would be more interesting but still give the same reflective effect desired. Three mirrors would be ideal, unfortunately a third wouldn't fit on the wall.

I've been having so much fun with this bookshelf ever since I moved it to the living room (read last year's update here). After studying Emily Henderson's instagram pictures and reading her new book - she is my new blogger/designer crush - I realized what my style was missing: greenery! Live plants to be more specific. I had them around the house in corners, but I've never displayed them before. When placed strategically, plants add immediate sophistication and beauty. I'm planning to add some interesting cacti asap.
My new favorite thing is to take off a hardcover book's sleeve. So many books have unusable covers when styling but underneath you will find a beautiful book. When I go thrifting or to yard-sales, I'm constantly peeking behind old book sleeves hoping to find a color I can use in my home. I found all of these white books, pictured above, right here in the house! I scored the silver-plated vases during Paul's parents move. After some polishing, the silver came through brightly adding a nice balance to all the gold I tend to gravitate towards.

Your styled shelf, vignette, dresser, etc should always have personal elements to it. A picture is a great solution but heirloom pieces, travel souvenirs, or memorable gifts take the space to another level. Above is a clock I found in my mom's basement. It was a wedding gift to my parents from a close friend of my Dad's. While it isn't my mom's style anymore, it is certainly mine!! I love that I have a little piece of my parents story in my living room.
Last year, I moved the TV over the fire place. It makes so much sense in our little living room but gosh I missed the gallery above the mantel. Enter: TV gallery. I've seen a few bloggers doing this and thought it was a great solution, especially since we have the smallest flat screen ever. I chose large pieces that can be appreciated without being fully visible.

This plant was sitting in a corner, unappreciated. It was promoted and is thriving high up on our mantel. The sweet little frame is a thrift find and I will never replace the 4-month old picture of Roswelle.
These candle sticks were a wedding gift and were up in the attic because I used to think I could only use them during fancy dinners. But they are the PERFECT solution to balance out the other side of the mantel. Also, I love that they are crystal, which compliments the clock and is a nice change from the typical brass I see so much.
We use our gas fireplace every night in the winter, but in the warmer months it is just an eyesore. I picked up this white whicker breakfast tray on the side of the road two years ago. It has been in my guest room since then but was mostly getting in the way. It's the perfect height for in front of the fireplace and provides storage for current magazines and a basket full of throw pillows and blankets. 

That's all y'all! Hope you enjoyed the tour and found some inspiration for your spaces! 

Be sure to check back this week for newborn pictures of sweet baby boy, Declan Rock! (Instagram preview)

<3 Lauren


I have officially been in my 30's for a full month! I decided it was time to write about this milestone birthday. I was lucky to spend the day with family and close friends at my Mom's lake house in North Georgia.  It was a comfortable, cheery, and celebratory day!

In the years leading up to 30, I have learned that truly loving myself allows me to love others better.  I'm making every effort to walk towards the mess and complexities in life, and embrace them (not easy!). I'm beginning to realize that we don't need to fix each other, we just need to listen to each other.  Everyone has a story, and it is healthy for our stories to be told.

My hardships, challenges, and times of grief have turned into ways to connect with others - whether it be with family, friends or strangers. When I share my struggles, and tell friends or family what is really going on, I find that this opens the door for a more "real" relationship.  It's not awkward, it's refreshing (and relieving in a way).  I've seen this when sharing about the passing of my Dad and I'm seeing it happen now, as Paul and I continue to make every effort to bring another baby into our family.  I'm trying to embrace the twists and turns in life while resisting the urge to be fearful.  

In my 20's I tried to figure out who I wanted to be; and I pray that in my 30's I'll spend more time loving and accepting the person, mother, wife, daughter, and friend that I am. 

Many, many thanks to my mom for ordering this beautiful cake (gluten free!) by Jackie Scarborough. She is a local baker in Dawsonville, GA and incredibly talented. Highly recommend! you can contact her at

Welcome to the world, Christian James

This past Saturday, I had the privilege of capturing photos of sweet Christian James Thalmann. Born on May 31st he is only a few weeks new. A baby brother to his two older sisters, Neive (4) and Jane (18months), he has completed this now family of 5!

I refer to newborn photography as a privilege because I really do feel honored to be asked into a home of a new baby. Laundry is not done, breakfast dishes are not put away, pajama pants are being worn, but there is love bursting at the beams and so much magic to be seen.

I hope you enjoy these, and if you live in the greater Boston area, I'd love to photograph your new baby! you can contact me at 


Itsy-bitsy Back Patio

I've lived in our Dorchester townhouse for 4 years and I can't believe it has taken me this long to make use of our back patio.  It is super small but it is such a game changer in the warmer months.

This past Mother's day all I wanted was to fix up the teeny space. One Ikea trip, one amazon purchase, and one trip to Home Depot; we were set. I've detailed the items with source links at the end. When we set this up in the beginning of May, we were coming out of a very chilly, gray "spring" so I added lots of color to the space; hence the variety of selections in flowers. I'm looking forward to changing the style of the flower boxes in the different seasons.

Every morning I have the same routine.  Paul gets Roswelle up (mostly because she literally wakes up calling out for "da-da") and while they say their good mornings, I go downstairs to flip on the coffee, open the blinds/windows, and open our kitchen door to our little back patio. We have a screen door that keeps any pests out but lets the cool morning air in and opens up our kitchen for a breezy, feel good start to our day. I will grab my cup of coffee and spend some time outside clipping any dead leaves and checking on the soil. Roswelle loves the task of watering the plants. Even if it is only a few minutes, it can be a really meditative way start the day.

To really appreciate the update, I feel that before pictures are in order.

And now onto the details...
Lucky for me, my mom, who has a wonderful green thumb, was in town to help.  I was clueless!
{line any baskets with some strong plastic to help with water absorption. We cut up a large trash bag and it has worked well}

{make sure to poke the lining with skewers or a knife to allow healthy draining}
{start with one layer of soil before adding your plants}
{look outsdie the box and up to hanging baskets! repurposing the flowers to boxes is a great option}
{break up the rooted soil before re-planting}
{thank goodness for IKEA when decorating city spaces}

1. Amazon Flower Boxes  (comes with coconut liner)
2. Ikea outdoor rug
3. Ikea Table and Chair set 
4. Potting Soil
5. Miracle Grow Quick Start
6. All flowers were from Home Depot

Salad of Summer'16

Over the past few years I have blogged about some of my favorite "go-to" salads which can be seen herehere and here.  Although this one really isn't that different, it is THE salad of summer 2016 in our house. We ate this every day for lunch while we were in Destin. (...Paul added bacon and even a fried egg every now and then...)

The two ingredients that give this salad a refreshing twist is the seed blend and shrimp!  I started adding the Trader Joe's seed blend in Roswelle's greek yogurt and one day poured some into my salad - adding a healthy texture.  Secondly, shrimp.  I always forget about frozen shrimp! It doesn't take long to thaw under cold water and cooks in minutes. I buy local whenever possible - read the details on the labels y'all. 

Finally - the secret weapon to any good salad is how well the ingredients are mixed.  I usually add the avocado, goat cheese, seeds, dressing, pepper, etc right into the salad container.  I close and shake shake shake shake shake shake, which results in a perfect bite every time.

This was a long post about a very simple salad. :) Detailed ingredients are below. Hope you give it a try! 

{I can never get enough fresh lemon juice in my recipes}

{I think I could drink white vinegar straight from the bottle - love it}
{my favorite seed blend that has become a staple on our grocery list}


arugula or a 50/50 kale and arugula blend
avocado (2)
lemon juice (2)
goat cheese (1/4 cup)
olive oil (to taste)
white vinegar (to taste)
ground pepper
shrimp! (optional)

**when I buy arugula in a bag, I shake everything together in a large tupperware container with a sturdy lid.

A Night in Seaside

We were shoveling snow 2 weeks ago in Boston but now my little family is finally enjoy some hot (an important factor) sun and sand in Destin, FL.  This is our second year taking a break from the New England "spring" and I believe it will be a necessary tradition to warm up my southern bones (you can see last year's trip here)!! I do love Boston though, and I'll be happy to be back come May. ;)

We went to Seaside for dinner and let Roswelle run around as much as she pleased in the little village.  It was a perfect night of easy sunlight, no waiting in lines, and lots of really good food!!
{I don't know why or how we can get her to keep her sunglasses on, but she does, and it's amazing.}
{that belly}
{I want this in my master bath one day}
{the best part of Seaside is the pavilion full of toddlers!}