Favorite Things Friday

This week's Favorite Things Friday post is all about the simple & FREE things in life. A lot of times I write about "go here" "try this" "buy this" but in all honestly I spend most of my days trying to find ways to NOT spend money! I truly believe to have less is to have more...unless we are talking about having kids... ;)


My friend Erin brought me something good & green from her backyard garden.  I was treated with broccoli and fresh lettuce - both things we love and eat every week.  She was excited to share because when broccoli is picked, more will sprout and grow.  She bought 5 plants for $10 at home depot and now has homegrown veggies for her family of four.  


In an effort to avoid binge-watching Bravo during Roswelle's naps, I have been organizing our house little by little >> drawer by drawer.  I haven't personally read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo but I have absorbed bits and tips from friends who have, and I'm reaping the benefits.  Search #MarieKondoMethod on Instagram and you will find thousands of pictures of organized drawers, cabinets, and spaces.  Her approach is to keep only the things and materials that bring you joy.  I still need to edit this drawer but her method of folding upright (filing cabinet style, if you will) allows you to see everything.  I'm hoping now I will either a) wear things I love but had simply forgotten or b) realize I never wear certain items (and then give them away).


If you know my husband Paul, you know he's a bit "energetic".  He's always got some new thing that he's doing, usually related to fitness, and he'll be persistent (/annoying) in his attempt to include me (symptoms of his twin complex).  He has recently convinced me to try what is called "Lunge U" - and I must admit, I kind of like it!  The goal is to do a walking lunge for 400 meters as quickly as possible. On a typical day, I only get up to 200/250 lunges - its alot harder than it sounds. I feel really strong after and I think it has helped me shave a minute off my mile pace.   I love that it can be done anywhere, at any time, and at any fitness level.


The windows in our living room are low and unblocked.  It's a perfect perch for Roswelle to watch people hustle to the T stop, not to mention her favorite: the neighborhood dog owners taking a morning stroll with their pups.  Some of the best moments with Roswelle are the simplest, her curiosity is unlimited - I love this age!