Senior Portraits - Carson Ellis Weatherford

Wanna know what makes me feel 30? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures. Wanna know what makes my heart wanna burst with pride? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures!

I was 12 when Carson was born and he was immediately my little baby. When we brought him home from the hospital I took him straight up to the nursery and locked the door. He was mine!! My grandmother tells me she almost had a heart attack ;) It's been a unique experience to actually remember my brother being born, him as a toddler, graduating kindergarten, and now preparing to graduate high school. 

Dad died when Carson was only 10 years old. A young man's path can be extremely altered by such a significant loss, but Carson's connection with Dad was so strong that his impact as a father for those short 10 years has remained a grounding contributor to Carson's growth. Our Dad kept a journal, which is priceless to us now that he is gone (I recommend every parent doing the same), and below are two excerpts I thought I would share:

Carson, we are so thankful you were born! You remind many people of our Dad, and I think we can all see why...
Back to the senior pictures: The session went how you would expect between a tired, hungry, “over-it” brother and an annoying, bossy, prodding seeeester. But it worked! Even though I couldn’t convince him to skip through the leaves and his shirt was wrinkled, we still got some great shots! Especially of his classic Carson hair flip. In the end, all he wanted was a good picture with his letterman jacket and his truck, so I think my client is happy.

I’m incredibly proud of him and excited to continue to watch him grown into the man he is meant to be!