2017 Resolutions

I was inspired after reading other bloggers new year's resolutions today, to write my own! Some are brand new and some a continuation of things we've been putting into practice the last month or so...


Walk more

. I am lucky enough to be able to walk to the local grocery store, rite-aid, restaurants, even Roswelle's potential preschool if I am feeling up for it (which reminds me I need to finish the application). It seems like a simple concept, but most days I must look for ways to make myself move more, as it's no longer inherent in my day-to-day routine.


Buy less things I like and more things I love

. I'm known for going to HomeGoods or Target and coming back with things...not needs or even wants...just things. I need to stop buying another vase and buy more fresh flowers for example.


Give myself more credit.

 I'm going to give myself more acknowledgement for what I am already doing. I'm hard on myself for not doing enough for others, but I should remind myself we have been hosting a community group in our living room for 6-10 neighbors every Wednesday night for the past 3 years. I'm really tough on myself when I eat something indulgent but I should give myself more credit for deciding, without regret or significant resistance, to be Gluten-free/Dairy-Free last May and continuing it for the foreseeable future because I feel AMAZING eating that way. Instead of consistently thinking of ways to better myself or how I am coming up short, I want to focus on what I AM doing!


Less screen time and more meal-time for Roswelle

.  We started cutting back on TV/iPhone time for Roswelle in December and it was a shock to Paul and I how little she asked for cartoons after a day or two. I go 3-4 days now without her watching a single show or movie. It has been really rewarding to both Roswelle and myself. In turn, I noticed she started asking to "eat" more frequently out of boredom. We started letting her graze throughout the day and rarely sat down for a meal after breakfast. Paul and I are shifting gears and creating more structure around 3 meals a day in hopes that she will genuinely be hungry when she eats and as a result try more vegetables and have well balanced meals.


Get dressed more at home

. As a stay at home mom, I can spend multiple days in sweatpants and sloppy, over-sized t-shirts. I know I am more productive and feel better when I get dressed for the day. It's not like I'll be wearing fitted pants or even blouses, simple jeans and a sweater would do the trick. 2 minutes to put on mascara and bronzer and a few fresh curls in my hair makes me feel as awake as a cup of coffee. I can do it....and should start now. It's 11am and I am writing this in my pajamas.


Give Paul and myself a night off, separately

. Another blogger practices this with her husband and they love it. One night a week Paul gets to do WHATEVER he wants without any questioning from me...my guess is his night will be Tuesday so he can go to his favorite Yin Flow yoga class. And in return, I can do anything I want on my night off whether it's go to Yoga, head to HomeGoods to roam around aimlessly (which doesn't help resolution #2), get a manicure, or even go up to my room and shut the door (introvert timeeee). We both think it's a great idea but now we just need to DO it - which is common denominator in ALL resolutions I guess.


Finally, blog more

. It never fails, as soon as I get into a groove of blogging on a regular basis something comes up to stall me. I get sick for a week, we go on a trip, or week flies by without any time to write and then that week turns in to a month. I've got 4-5 photo sessions ready to post and I just need to do it!! In between, I'll sprinkle in personal posts which are my favorite to write.