
You know the feeling of deciding to reorganize your closet, so you empty out all of the contents and everything is a huge disaster in your bedroom, and you just want to quit?  Or how about when you force yourself to the gym and you step on the treadmill and you convince yourself you feel sick and probably shouldn't work out?  

BUT then you push through and you put everything back into your closet and feel that immediate sense of productivity and accomplishment.  And you run those 3 miles in spite of everything and feel energized and healthier than before you started.  It's all worth it in the end.

Well I had that first feeling of hopeless distraught while baking this weekend; everything was a mess, I had tried to bake too many things at once, and I didn't have all of the ingredients so I just started improvising (bad idea while baking).  welp, nothing turned out.  I didn't have that feeling of "I'm glad I pushed through and finished this." nope. It all got thrown in the trash. After scaring (literally) paul into trying it.  5 hours for nothing. cue downward spiral...

by the end of the night I was curled up on the couch in a depressive ball and only moved to go wimper in the shower.

Why was I doing this to myself?  Why is it so easy for us to focus on the negative?  The rest of my day had been spent productively studying, running through the city, and making dinner with Paul with the windows open in the house! But no - I wanted to focus on the one thing that didn't work out. Took a little bit to get me out of my depressive, negative state.  I hate knowing I am in that mood and I should pull myself out of it, but I don't wanna, I wanna sulk! 

BUT eventually I did pull myself out of it (with a little help) and had a wonderful Easter weekend overall.

Anywho - that's why I have no Easter baking pictures like I had hoped for.  We all fail at things, but the successful people are the ones that choose not to focus on them (still working on that).  So my lesson learned is that "gluten-free" baking is for the birds - actually they probably wouldn't eat it either.