Layla Grayce Love

I recently went on the hunt online to find the paper placemats I was given for Christmas by Sandy.  I'm running low because I've loved using them! - I've been trying to "set the table" for dinner more; I think it's really important to sit down to eat and talk about our days...trying to start the habit with just the two of us so hopefully we will continue when we have kids.  I could go on a whole schpiiiillllll about our generation and future generations needing more time around the table...but that is for another post... 

This post is about my new found love Layla Grayce (  I found the placemats (pictured above) but also found so so so much more....and I thought I would share!  The site has everything from furniture, silverware, clothes, jewelry, and lotions...seriously it is a one stop shop for all.

These placemats below are going going to be included in my next purchase...SO fun!

You will find below that I am really, really into gold right now...

{of course}

{This coffee table above would be perfect for our smaller sized living room...keeping it open, airy, & fresh}

{Love, love, love!! to bad it blows the budget}

{Currently looking for lighter bedding for the summer...linen pinstripe would do the trick.}

{hoping to wall paper our half bath downstairs over the summer...}