Traveling with Baby: Carry-on Guide

I've flown with Roswelle literally too many times to count. Our first flight was when she was 9 weeks old and her most recent flight will be this afternoon for a trip to GA to visit family. Traveling with a baby has multiple challenges, and they change with the age of the child (or children). Below I've highlighted some of my favorite products for traveling with children from 0 to 2+ years of age. Some of the products might be obvious, some not so much, and I've written a quick blurb as to why each item was selected.

Travel with Baby
This is a great age to fly. Challenges: keeping their ears unplugged from altitude change, going to the bathroom with a baby attached to you (if flying alone - which I often do), and keeping germs away from your baby!!!! Perks: The plane will lull them to sleep, you don't need to pack too much to keep them occupied, and they are fairly predictable at this age. 

Items to carry-on...
1: Changing Station - most planes have a small changing station, however some older planes won't. You may find yourself changing your baby on the floor in the back of the plane. Even if you are lucky enough to have a changing station in the bathroom, you will want this pad to make things easier.
2: Medela hand pump - I pray you never have a delay while on a plane with a baby, but there is a chance it will happen. If your baby isn't nursing, or you just need some relief, this manual hand-pump is a great solution when you don't have access to an outlet for power.
3: Infantino 360 Carrier - So many carriers are $150+ which is just absurd, even though I'm pretty sure I have one. However, this Infantine brand is affordable at $29.99 and works so well! I would strap Roswelle into our carrier on the flight and after she fell asleep I would have my hands free to read a magazine - such a treat.
4: Downtown Tote - You will need a large sturdy bag to carry all that a baby requires.  This pottery barn tote is stylish and useful with lots of pockets inside. 
5: Stanley Thermos - Whether you have packed pre-pumped milk or using formula, it is always great to have a way to warm up the bottle for baby. This thermos will keep water piping hot all day long and is big enough that you can pop the bottle in the canteen of hot water, close it up, and in 10 minutes or less you have a warm bottle.
6A: Oh Joy! Swaddle Blanket - I love the swaddle blankets because they cover so much space and are super light weight. I would keep one over Roswelle when in the carrier or my arms, and God forbid you sit next to someone with a cough, your baby will be all the more protected.
6B: Oh Joy! Flamingo - just super cute and takes up little space in your bag.
7: WubbaNub - So obvious, but so important that it must be included on this list.

Travel with Baby

In my opinion this is by farrrrr the hardest age to fly with a baby. They are less likely to sleep on the plane and they want to move move MOVE!! I highly suggest flying with a partner during this age but if you must fly alone (again I did 60% of the time, so it can be done!) here are some items that will make the flight less traumatic for you (I silently cried many times mid-flight during this stage)...

Items to carry-on...

1: Oh Joy! Backpack Diaper Bag - A backpack will come in handy when chasing your walker/runner around the airport, jetway, or airplane aisle. I love the Oh Joy! line at Target. 
2: Jellycat Puppy - The Jellycat brand is a universal hit with little humans and the puppy seems to be a front runner! If you don't have one yet, maybe wait until the flight to bring it out? Your baby will be delighted with a new, interesting toy to hold during the flight.
3: Water Wipes - Regular wipes are great, but I don't love using them on Roswelle's food containers, hands, or mouth. These chemical free version is a safer way to wipe the mess away.
4a: Food Pouches - Food, food, food, and more food. I stuffed Roswelle silly on flights during this age.
4b: Little Yums - Another favorite, more bang for your buck and organic.
5: Munchkin 360 Sippy Cup - It took her a while to figure these out, but once she did it became a favorite brand of her's and mine and is less likely to leak.
6: Karen Katz Books - At this age, she loved flap books and being quizzed on body parts. Karen Katz fills our bookshelf!

Travel with Baby
I am LOVING this age for flying. Roswelle gets her own seat next to me (tough on the budget, but so good for my soul). She has a longer attention span, will sit still longer, and I can sometimes even reason with her! 

Items to carry-on....
1: Affordable Urbini Stroller - Never give up the stroller when traveling. So many airports have express security lines for strollers. I plan to have Roswelle in one at the airport until she is 6 ;) I wouldn't suggest bringing an expensive brand as they will make you gate-check the stroller and we have had one broken. We love the urbini brand from Wal-mart and it costs only $60.
2. Trader Joe's Fruit Bars - These have been a favorite of mine for some time now. Roswelle loves them and I know exactly what ingredients are in them.
3: Personalized Backpack - Have your toddler help with the load! Roswelle loves wearing her personalized backpack gifted from Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob. And it frees up some space in my purse.
4: Disney's Lady - Bring a favorite stuffed animal ("Lady" for Roswelle) and maybe a new one (Tramp) or a new toy for a guaranteed good mood.
5: Bandaids - Roswelle loves bandaids at the moments, and they take up little space when packing but provide a good amount of entertainment.
6a: iPad Kid Case - Do you like sitting on a 3 hour flight without something to watch/read/entertain you? I doubt it, so why make your toddler? This is a time when I 100% promote some screen-time.
6b: On ear Headphones - Roswelle is just now agreeing to wear these at age two and I just keep the volume down super low.

A Honky-Tonk time in Nashville, TN

{luxury of a girl trip: traveling baby-free}

This past weekend I went on my first girl's trip since Roswelle was born.  Nashville, TN was the destination and it was a complete success!  A relaxed city full of good energy with a mix of bachelor/bachelorette parties, families on vacation, and locals! 

For anyone interested, we went to Honky Tonk on Broadway, A LOT. It is a great bar for all!  We had a fancier dinner, all dressed up, at Kayne Prime.  We rented a pontoon boat for Saturday on Presley Priest lake, about 20 minutes outside of Nashville.  Everyone had a blast on the Pedal Tavern  *warning* you actually do have to pedal to get the cart to move!  And finally, we ended the weekend with brunch at The Farmhouse Restaurant.  

Highlight of the weekend for me was getting ready with my girlfriends.  I loved trying on different outfits (some of them mine, some theirs) and having them help me decide which looked best and how to accessorize. In return, I did countless braids and helped out with make-up.  Music is on in the background, drinks are in hand, and we collectively prepare for the night ahead.  


{my drink of choice for the weekend, coffee}

{we ended the weekend on a super sweet note}

Valentine's Day Wknd: The Inn at English Meadows

This year for Valentine's Day, Paul and I did something we hadn't done in over a year.  We went away for the weekend - just the two of us!  With Roswelle just shy of 11 months old, we were all ready.  My mom flew up and Roswelle was her Valentine this year :)  I made sure Roswelle had enough milk in the freezer, plenty of snacks for both of them, plenty of salt for MORE snow, and Paul and I headed north (there were tears on my part!)

We finally made it to The Inn at English Meadows which is the Bed & Breakfast we were headed to when my water broke almost a year ago!  The sweet, sweet owners David and Kate Parisi, remembered hearing our story and were so happy to finally have us stay! I can't speak highly enough of the Inn and our time in Kennebunkport, Maine.  It was just lovely, even in another snow storm, which says A LOT. 

This winter has been a tough one for me, I'll share more on that with you in another post.  It was nice to finally have some slow time with my valentine! Below are pictures from our weekend <3

{The FIRST bathroom in our suite.  I couldn't get enough of the space and cleanliness (and the beautiful floors!)}
{Heading into the second half of the Serenity Suite}

{our sitting area}

{having our own nespresso machine in our room made me quite happy}

{the second bathroom with a soaking tub and heated floors}

The rest of the Inn is impeccably decorated:

Kate, the inn keeper, is a wonderful cook/baker/host and it was fun to see what she came up with both mornings.

{a special treat for Valentine's day}

{one of the best things about being baby-free is the clean spaces all the time, including my placemat}

{cranberry scones}

{salmon scramble and potato hash}

{tea and treats were always readily available}

My favorite dish of Kate's was the baked pear with ricotta cheese and seeds.  

As I said above, it was a great weekend with my handsome hubs pictured below, him in a scarf really makes me swoon ;) 
{I love some snapchat pizazz}

Oh and we also went to a farm!:

Flying with a Baby

{2 50lb bags+2 carryons+1 diaper bag+1 stroller+1 carseat+1 baby = omg}

Happy July!!!!  This summer is flying by but is proving to the best one yet.  

Traveling with an 8 week hard work! Timing a grocery store trip with an 8 wk old is hard enough so the task of flying with Roswelle called for a lot of planning, team work, and luck! If Roswelle hadn't been 2 1/2 weeks early, we would have been flying with a 6 wk old because this trip was happening no matter what - yikes!  I can't imagine what traveling with multiple kids is like...seems like mayhem...we'll be there one day.  baby steps. literally ;)

When traveling with a baby you are allowed a stroller, a carseat, and a diaper bag free of charge.  We flew Jet Blue which meant we got one free checked bag each as well. We used uber to get an SUV taxi to the airport...with all of our luggage and our precious was necessary.  Plus, her first cab ride was not going to be in a beat up yellow thanks! 

{smooth ride for the happy baby}

We arrived 2 hours early for our flight which meant plenty of time to change her when needed, have a sit down breakfast, and pump! 

{coffee and a sleeping baby - two of my favorite things}

I proudly pumped in the woman's restroom...ya do what ya gotta do.  On my flight back I realized airports have family was perfect for pumping and changing Roswelle since I was traveling alone.

{we were both sleepy - it had been an early morning. Only Roswelle slept tho...I was too excited!

She was 8 wks so she was still sleeping through literally almost anything.
We used this airplane hammock for a little made it nice to be hands free for a few minutes.  Bonus - it also doubles as a highchair when she is older! 

I flew back alone since Paul needed to return a few days before me for work.  I was definitely nervous for it...what if I had to go to the bathroom on the plane? Who would hold her? What if she blew out her diaper on the plane while we were descending and couldn't get up?  Where would I change her diaper on the plane?  There were a lot of things that could have made for an "interesting" trip but luckily all was smooth. 

I fed her a bottle of breastmilk during the take off and landing to make sure she cleared her ears from the change in air pressure.  She slept the majority of the plane ride - babies can't help but be lulled to sleep by the loud white noise.  She did fill her diaper during the landing but it wasn't a blowout...and she didn't freak out about not getting changed quickly.  

{she didn't want to leave}

{strollers are the best!! - can you spot her little hand?}

{I was already wiped out and still waiting to board}

I was able to fly alone with her successfully but it was exhausting.  You are on high alert the entire time.  My advice - fly as a family when possible! 

I'll be writing an update about her soon - can't believe she is over 3 months!  It's just getting better and better.  :)

Our week in Charleston

{Roswelle's first time on the beach!}

The last week of May, Paul and I flew to Charleston for my cousin's wedding.  Ashley was my made of honor and I was her matron of honor - cousins are the best and I'm so blessed to be so close with mine even though we live so far apart.  My mom rented a house on Isle of Palms for the week and we had THE BEST time.  We spent our time hanging with my family on the big screened in porch (with 10+ rocking chairs and a swing), going for walks on the beach (with the stroller), and just plain relaxing.  I got really used to always having someone around to hold Roswelle - it was kind of an adjustment when I got back to Boston!

{Our view and walkway to the beach from the back porch.}  

{impromptu family pic the last morning everyone was there}

{Four generations <3}

{bows and bows}

Roswelle did great on the beach.  I was a smidge psychotic about her being in the sun.  We aren't using sunscreen until next summer so I was sure to limit her time to 10 minutes and kept her covered in her stroller most of the time.  The great thing about the beach is there is almost always a nice breeze to keep her cool.

My mom's main desire that week was to rock Roswelle on the porch swing...they both loved it.

Roswelle got some quality time with her uncles... They are all naturals with their own way. ;)

She also had plenty of quality time with her great-grandparents and her cousin Brinley who is 1 month older than her.  

While Roswelle was spending time with her extended family and me... Paul and Evan were non-stop on the beach.

Paul is a beach maniac.  He found this stump during the week and would lug it around based on the low & high tides to ensure it's safety! We started calling it "stumpy"...similar to Tom Hank's "Wilson" in Cast Away.  He went everywhere with "Stumpy!"

Paul and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary while we were there.  <3

Below are some of my favorite pics of Roswelle from that week.

Next up I'll be blogging on traveling with a baby!  It went surprisingly smooth for us.

San Fran!

First - I should start this post off by giving a big THANK YOU to a local food company in Boston called Boloco. {} We won this trip back in the spring thanks to Paul's witty entry in a thier Sweet 16 contest - 2nd place prize was a trip to San Fran (flights & hotel).  Paul eats there 5 days a week, and I average a close 80% during the week - so you could say our investment in the company paid off ;)  It was perfect timing for a "baby moon" and it being somewhat free helped out our "baby budget!"

I decided to highlight what we did in a somewhat chronological order... Paul pretty much planned the whole trip (no surprise there).  Sure we hit up touristy spots, but he made sure to find out where the locals eat and we had some of the best dining experiences ever

{arrived on a Sunny Friday just in time for lunch @ Cafe de la Presse}

We spent the rest of Friday walking the city, we hit up Lombard St., Chinatown, & the Fisherman's wharf...then ended the night at Absinthe for a late dinner.

Saturday was jam-packed - Started it off @ Mama's - a must! 

 After stuffing ourselves, we headed over to do an Alcatraz audio tour...since Paul has a legit distaste for tourist traps - I thought he would hate this - but it wound up being one of his favorite parts of the trip! 

{We went to the Ferry Building for lunch}

Another highlight of our weekend....and one that will go down in the books as best burger for Paul....was when we hit up SUPER DUPER BURGER for a "snack" between lunch and dinner...our dinner reservations weren't until 9:30pm...and we were on vacation which meant we ate every 2-3 hours obvi! He ordered a double pattie w/ a fried egg for only $8.50...he was so pumped!  Hands down better than In&Out! eek!

{so hard to get pictures with just the two of us traveling - in the lobby of our hotel - Prescott Kimpton}

Dinner at Rich Table - another local spot and def a must try!  Only about 15 tables total, difficult to get a reservation apparently - but we were able to squeeze in a late one somehow. They serve really interesting dishes...including dried porcini doughnuts with melted raclette cheese (pictured) and Sardine Chips w/ Horseradish sauce (also pictured).

As I mentioned last week - we ventured over to Potrero Hill on Sunday morning.  
It was so nice - had a bunch of cute shops, including a sidewalk patio :)

Afterwards, we rented bikes and ventured over the Golden Gate bridge for lunch in Saulsalito.

I have to mention the gymnasium(?) we found on our bike ride...Paul couldn't help himself and immediately eyed the rings for a few muscle-ups...  This idea could come in handy when we are broke with kids and need to set up a crossfit gym in our backyard. 

Crossfit moves didn't stop there....

{the obligatory San Fran picture :) }

I think I'll end this post on MY favorite thing from the trip...dinner @ Foreign Cinema on our last night.  Set in an alley almost, the restaurant has a cool & romantic vibe all at the same time.  With red patio lights and outdoor heaters, the mood is set to have a delicious meal while a foreign film plays on the back drop.  While we were there, A Royal Affair was playing - a romance set in the 18th century.  It was perfect.  All of it.  The food, my date, the film, and the venue! 

Hope you enjoyed this long post! Special thanks to Paul's friends for all of their recommendations! 
I have a feeling we'll be back...


Many of you know...but we went to San Fran this past weekend! I plan to do an "overall" post on the trip later but I couldn't wait to write about our amazing brunch experience at plow.  It's in the Potrero Hill area (sooo cute) and the only way we found it was because Paul loves asking locals where we should eat - aka avoiding tourist traps (die).  This place was recommended by a cool young couple and I'm soooo happy he asked! 

I grabbed a few pics of the interior from google images - it was so crowded and busy that I didn't want to be that girl walking around taking photos while people are just waking up with their first cup of coffee. 

Now back to my pictures...

{people in San Fran apparently love to wait in line - this was at 7:40am!!}

{almost all of the restaurants had bottle service water - reminded me of St. Barts}

{I allowed myself one cup of amazing coffee - it was my first in months - I'm still reminiscing}

{I was overly excited - and in a great mood for the rest of the day - go figure}

{my favorite take-away from the city was all the fresh food}

{paul ordered the plow}

{we split the BEST pumpkin muffin we have ever had - you can order them while they last}

{almond flour pancakes}

{the plow}

{my fried egg sandwich - didn't realize it was "over easy" until it came so I just ate around it - I had already had plenty of food anyways}

....this place is a MUST if you visit San Fran...