Roswelle's Room - A Toddler Update

I realized the other day that I rarely photograph or post on Roswelle’s room. The last full highlight of it was over 2 ½ years ago (which you can read here) when it was barely used – she wasn’t even sleeping in there yet! She is now a full-time sleeper in there…and it's time for a dedicated post.

Speaking of sleep, Roswelle is still in her crib and we don’t plan to move her out of it until a) she grows out of it b) she starts to climb out of it or c) another baby is ready to sleep in it. That could be tomorrow night or a year away, I have a feeling it will be somewhere in between. Also, I moved the rocking chair into our bedroom to lend more space for age appropriate toys. While she has her favorites, the drawing/sticker board and her books, she still visits her picnic table and baby changing station enough for me leave them be.

A toddler room can be tricky to decorate because their interests change rather quickly. Choosing simple staple items like a bookshelf, baskets, an easel, and a table with chairs seems to work well. I update all of those with current interests, toys, and activities throughout the year while being able to keep the room aesthetically pleasing. Of course I wanted a play kitchen, doll-house, and even a teepee (which is currently folded up in a corner) but there was no room for them and they didn’t offer enough flexibility to be placed in her room. So for now, she will have to wait to go to grandmas house to play with those items – as they both have them waiting for her!

I’ve found that children rooms are the quickest to become cluttered. Memorabilia, old crafts, clothes that are too small, and old, un-used toys all start to crowd corners, drawers, and shelves. It takes a lot out of me to update her room every 6 months, both nostalgia and a slight bit of sadness make it tough to either store, give away, or toss those items. But in the end I feel better after the room has been updated for her level of development and age.

Below are some shots of her room I took the other day. I love when she and I just spend time together in there. The room gets great sunlight and I find it incredibly peaceful. And each visit she finds something that intrigues her all over again. 
{the look of curiosity!}
{you know how much I love to style and her space isn't excluded}
{some new and old items make for a great shelfie - that is a picture of my dad and I}

Favorite Things

First, thank you for the support, encouragement, and prayers in response to Monday's post. I had a few moments of "oh my goodness what was I thinking putting all of that on the internet?!?!?" but then the overwhelming sense of relief since sharing my story was exactly what my heart needed. So thank you.


Three out of the five pictures below have rattan/wicker in them. I'm sensing a shift in my style and I'm excited to see where this newfound west-coast-vibe takes me! Here are some things around the house that have been inspiring me this week:
{all the Fall decorating I can handle this year, purposely displayed in our entrance landing}
{I bought these porcelain profile bust earrings at a sidewalk sale on my street for $5, and I wear them almost everyday}
{I recently photographed Roswelle's room and I'm looking foward to sharing the updates made for toddler life}
{I don't know what it is about gourds, but I feel so earthly and healthy cooking with them. Also, #Fall}
{the view from the stairs as I walk to our bedroom (although the lamp has got to go)}

Lastly, we sold our bed (explains picture above). It was a great bed, but as y'all are probably figuring out by now, I change my mind frequently when it comes to our home. It was the last piece of Paul's bachelorhood. When we were breaking it apart, Paul made the comment that he couldn't believe I actually waited this long change it. And now, I'm on the hunt for a new on the lookout for a round-up post! But for now, I really love the way our bed looks on the's so grounding. Ha! But in all seriousness, I think we may go lower this time around.  Stay tuned...

Styling 101

One of my favorite hobbies is "styling". My grandfather jokes that hobbies "like those" are just another form of OCD behavior. Maybe so, but I find it to be one of the more enjoyable, relaxing, even therapeutic past-times. When Paul takes Roswelle to the park on Sunday afternoons, you’ll most likely find me at home “styling” our pantry, coffee table, even my closet.

Isn’t that just glorified organizing you might ask? Nope. The reason an organized linen closet looks so appealing in a magazine isn’t because they finally figured out the perfect place to store fabric softener, it’s because it was styled. Every object was strategically chosen and intentionally placed. Geometry comes into play when styling; angles, odd numbers, lines, symmetry, all crucial. Fun fact: I received the Geometry award in the 9th grade, which is telling I think.

We recently purchased a new acrylic coffee table from CB2. I chose the sleek style of acrylic to offset my rather traditional decorating. Gold and Navy go so well together because they are on opposite ends of the color wheel, and the same goes for style. Next time you are making a purchase, consider looking at the exact opposite of what you typically choose. You’ll be surprise at how well it compliments your current decor! The see-through element of the acrylic also opens up our rather small space; every square foot is important in city living. It was fun to have the challenge of selecting the perfect pieces (from around our home) to curate an interesting vignette in our living room. 
I've been using a long wooden cutting board as our "coaster" and it has been working so well! Small bowls of cheerios, sippy cups and cups of coffee all sit together giving my OCD something to smile about. Roswelle is also a little toddler that likes things in their place (wonder why) so she typical complies with the coffee table rules: no climbing, no banging, and putting her cup back on the board. Speaking of Roswelle and the coffee table, she loves laying underneath it and watching TV through it; it's become another great little cubby for her. And her tiny, slimy hands leave plenty of smudges on it all day long, but it's nothing I can't wipe up at the end of the day and doesn't bother me.
I was so delighted to find the little white whicker tray already in my home!! It was turned upside down on the breakfast tray I was using in front of the fireplace (seen here). It's the perfect size and color for the new coffee table and I'm really happy it has curved, circular handles to offset all of the lines. A tray on any table always adds an element of style and forces you to curate an interesting collection. A great rule of thumb that I learned from Emily Henderson, author of the Styled book on the table, is to have something vertical, horizontal, and finally a little mis-shapen piece to tie it all together and for this tray that is the little Jonathan Adler zebra dish.

Living Room Update: August 2016

After our two week vacation on the cape, I returned home feeling refreshed and inspired. I wanted to channel all the sun and lightness from the summer into my home. It didn't take much - just some rearranging of all things white, adding some live greenery, and more reflective mirror action.

After a trip to T.J. Maxx and Marshall's, a climb into my attic and some shifting of throw pillows; my refresh was complete (for now, let's be honest). Nate Berkus suggests taking everything out of a space, and then putting it all back together when you are needing a refresher not a re-do. Even just moving a potted plant from the floor to the mantel can give it a whole new life! details below...
I replaced the large statement clock above the couch with two mirrors. The original plan was to find one long, large, rectangle mirror but when I spotted this pair at T.J. Maxx, I decided a pair would be more interesting but still give the same reflective effect desired. Three mirrors would be ideal, unfortunately a third wouldn't fit on the wall.

I've been having so much fun with this bookshelf ever since I moved it to the living room (read last year's update here). After studying Emily Henderson's instagram pictures and reading her new book - she is my new blogger/designer crush - I realized what my style was missing: greenery! Live plants to be more specific. I had them around the house in corners, but I've never displayed them before. When placed strategically, plants add immediate sophistication and beauty. I'm planning to add some interesting cacti asap.
My new favorite thing is to take off a hardcover book's sleeve. So many books have unusable covers when styling but underneath you will find a beautiful book. When I go thrifting or to yard-sales, I'm constantly peeking behind old book sleeves hoping to find a color I can use in my home. I found all of these white books, pictured above, right here in the house! I scored the silver-plated vases during Paul's parents move. After some polishing, the silver came through brightly adding a nice balance to all the gold I tend to gravitate towards.

Your styled shelf, vignette, dresser, etc should always have personal elements to it. A picture is a great solution but heirloom pieces, travel souvenirs, or memorable gifts take the space to another level. Above is a clock I found in my mom's basement. It was a wedding gift to my parents from a close friend of my Dad's. While it isn't my mom's style anymore, it is certainly mine!! I love that I have a little piece of my parents story in my living room.
Last year, I moved the TV over the fire place. It makes so much sense in our little living room but gosh I missed the gallery above the mantel. Enter: TV gallery. I've seen a few bloggers doing this and thought it was a great solution, especially since we have the smallest flat screen ever. I chose large pieces that can be appreciated without being fully visible.

This plant was sitting in a corner, unappreciated. It was promoted and is thriving high up on our mantel. The sweet little frame is a thrift find and I will never replace the 4-month old picture of Roswelle.
These candle sticks were a wedding gift and were up in the attic because I used to think I could only use them during fancy dinners. But they are the PERFECT solution to balance out the other side of the mantel. Also, I love that they are crystal, which compliments the clock and is a nice change from the typical brass I see so much.
We use our gas fireplace every night in the winter, but in the warmer months it is just an eyesore. I picked up this white whicker breakfast tray on the side of the road two years ago. It has been in my guest room since then but was mostly getting in the way. It's the perfect height for in front of the fireplace and provides storage for current magazines and a basket full of throw pillows and blankets. 

That's all y'all! Hope you enjoyed the tour and found some inspiration for your spaces! 

Be sure to check back this week for newborn pictures of sweet baby boy, Declan Rock! (Instagram preview)

<3 Lauren

Itsy-bitsy Back Patio

I've lived in our Dorchester townhouse for 4 years and I can't believe it has taken me this long to make use of our back patio.  It is super small but it is such a game changer in the warmer months.

This past Mother's day all I wanted was to fix up the teeny space. One Ikea trip, one amazon purchase, and one trip to Home Depot; we were set. I've detailed the items with source links at the end. When we set this up in the beginning of May, we were coming out of a very chilly, gray "spring" so I added lots of color to the space; hence the variety of selections in flowers. I'm looking forward to changing the style of the flower boxes in the different seasons.

Every morning I have the same routine.  Paul gets Roswelle up (mostly because she literally wakes up calling out for "da-da") and while they say their good mornings, I go downstairs to flip on the coffee, open the blinds/windows, and open our kitchen door to our little back patio. We have a screen door that keeps any pests out but lets the cool morning air in and opens up our kitchen for a breezy, feel good start to our day. I will grab my cup of coffee and spend some time outside clipping any dead leaves and checking on the soil. Roswelle loves the task of watering the plants. Even if it is only a few minutes, it can be a really meditative way start the day.

To really appreciate the update, I feel that before pictures are in order.

And now onto the details...
Lucky for me, my mom, who has a wonderful green thumb, was in town to help.  I was clueless!
{line any baskets with some strong plastic to help with water absorption. We cut up a large trash bag and it has worked well}

{make sure to poke the lining with skewers or a knife to allow healthy draining}
{start with one layer of soil before adding your plants}
{look outsdie the box and up to hanging baskets! repurposing the flowers to boxes is a great option}
{break up the rooted soil before re-planting}
{thank goodness for IKEA when decorating city spaces}

1. Amazon Flower Boxes  (comes with coconut liner)
2. Ikea outdoor rug
3. Ikea Table and Chair set 
4. Potting Soil
5. Miracle Grow Quick Start
6. All flowers were from Home Depot

Peaceful Pink

I don't know if it is yoga/acupuncture, eating healthier, or a happier toddler...but my energy is through the roof this week. Hence, here I am blogging! 

Boston's winter is tough.  So far we have dodged the inconvenient feet of snow (not holding my breath) but the cold weather this week has been enough to make my skin hurt and my emotions sour. In order to mentally survive and keep my spirits uplifted, I surround myself with interiors that encourage peace and happiness.  

It doesn't take much...fresh flowers, lots of white, and a touch of Valentine's Day decorations.  Or in the words of my brother Carson...a touch of basic.  

{how basic can I get?? My pink coffee mug makes my morning extra warm}

But this... heart melts on the coldest of days <3 #sappy

Did you miss some of these photos on Instagram? Follow me!! >> @laurenlashway

Christmas in our Home, 2015

This year I was lucky enough to have my mom here with me to decorate for Christmas!! We had so much fun going to HomeGoods and Marshalls to find unique ornaments, garland, and candles. (I promise I'm not sponsored by TJX)

Christmas decorating has a fine line between perfectly placed festive decor and red/green clutter.  I love for every little space or corner to have a little Christmas cheer on it but I also try to step back and edit, asking myself "is that pretty or just messy looking?" 

With a toddler in the house, I decided to leave most of the special ornaments in their boxes and replaced them with felt or wooden ornaments.  I also looked specifically for dark red, dark green and cream decorations. Our stockings were my inspiration which were gifts from Paul's mom Sandy!

Below are more shots from around our main floor of the house!
{a few nativity figurines that Roswelle can play with - the three wise men are not pictured}
{last year with Santa}
{I love plaid, and I'm thinking I will buy more of it when Christmas items go on clearance}
{Nothing is more festive than a table ready for a dinner party}

I really wanted a wooden Christmas tree collar this year for under the tree.  There were a few at HomeGoods but I didn't get to the store in time before they were all scooped up! So this year I purchased some Christmas storage boxes that hide the cords and skirt and will be good for ornament storage.  

Kitchen Cabinets Update

Now that I'm home more with less travel, I've been busy making changes.  I love changing things up in the house, probably because I know I can just change it back if I'm not happy with the result. There is no need to be afraid to repaint, rearrange, re-hang can always have a professional come fix it.  

Painting our kitchen cabinets was the first home project I did after we were married. I was impulsive and excited. After 3 or so years, I was not happy with the paint color anymore. I had been hinting to Paul that I wanted to repaint them and would only receive a groan in response. One night I went into the basement, found a white we already had (Benjamin Moore Acadia White, which we used in Roswelle's nursery) and got the courage to get started.  

I'm really happy with the way it turned out on the top and I'm currently repainting the lower cabinets. Because the base colors are two different colors, I think I will need 3 coats to get the cabinets to match.  I cleaned the cabinets and just got started, since I'm painting over paint, I didn't feel the need to sand them down to the bone this time.  

See below for the progression of the kitchen and some future projects that are being planned! Thank goodness Paul allows me to be creative and try, try again.

{please excuse the quality of the picture above, I was too lazy to get my wide angle lens, I'll take better pictures once I'm completely done!}


{the bachelor kitchen...}

Another before and after of the kitchen with the slight color change to Acadia white. (wall color is BM Tyler Gray)

Over the next two weeks we are going to be adding shiplap to the kitchen.  I guess is Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper says it enough, people will start catchin' on, including me!

New Couch + HomeGoods Happy!

Last week on Instagram (@laurenlashway), I promised an update on things around our home.  

First up is the new couch! Last week my mother-in-law generously let me use her Honda Pilot for the week.  My first stop was HomeGoods! I have been looking for a new couch for almost a year now but wasn't ready to spend $1,000+ so I was waiting for the right time and right couch.  When I saw this modern, minimalistic, tan couch I was intrigued, but then when I saw the $400 price tag I was in love!  10 minutes later I was squeezing it in the back of the pilot! 

A great before and after comparison is below.  The new couch fits the space so much better and it is more my style.  

IT.WAS.TIME. Ahh! looking at these pictures makes me feel even better about the purchase.
{the clock on the wall was up in the attic and is a great fresh look, I'll post more pictures of that later}

{pillows and lamps are HomeGoods purchases as well...I could be a professional HG shopper I think}

BTW....have you used theGOODS app by HomeGoods?? It's great! You can browse stores by location to see some of the latest furniture and finds for sale.  
My couch! right before I snagged it.

Stay tuned for more pictures of the kitchen cabinets and a new corner wall gallery that is in the works.

I'm Alive and Well! (Fall 2015)

I'm alive (and well!) y'all!! I basically fell off the web unintentionally 3 weeks ago. After returning home to Boston from my brother's beautiful North Carolina wedding on September 21st, I dialed things wayyyy down. As an introverted home-body, the past few months were quite a challenge. Between Memorial Day weekend and Mid-September, we were home ONE weekend. One. one!!! I don't mean to sound ungrateful for wonderful places to go and being with the people we love. But I really, really love my home, too! 

I have spent the last few weeks going on walks with Roswelle in our neighborhood, having slow mornings in our living room, and re-watching seasons 1-5 of Game of Thrones. You read that right...every night Paul would come up from his garage gym and groan as he heard the GOT theme song kick back up. I didn't prepare a blog post for the next day, nope, I watched the Stark family get murdered one by one (for a second time). Side note: John Snow is not dead! 

I've also been tinkering around the house, putting out Fall decor and warming up our house with colors and textures...because, "Winter is Coming." :P

The French-Café Bistro Chair

Traditional Dining Room by Los Angeles Architects & Building Designers Studio William Hefner

I've been spotting these french bistro chairs on a few sites and in some interior magazines and I really love them! They add and interesting texture and a simple pattern to any space. I have found them a little difficult to find but they are out there!  World Market (Bostonians we are getting a location in Natick soooon!!!), Overstock, and Wayfair all have fairly affordable options, includes pair prices. I've included some of my favorite finds below.

{I first spotted them in Bethenny Frankel's Hampton house - love the pop of color! Although, I could have done without the rest of the skinny girl red in the kitchen - we get it - you have a brand}

Overstock Options (click image for link):
World Market Options (click image for link):
Wayfair Options (click image for link):

If you are like me and your budget has no room for any more chairs (or your space for that matter) you can always buy a $15 etsy print and hang it above your table ;) 

Minted @ Home

It all started with the Caitlin Wilson Design grey spotted pillow which my budget just can't afford at the moment.  I don't have anything spotted in the house and I think it's the perfect understated, neutral print for the benches in the kitchen. My sister-in-law Jenny told me about the Minted Home line a couple weeks ago and I was pleasantly surprised at all of the options - including spots (which you can actually filter on ). Much like the stationary and art, Minted provides fabric options from a community of independent artists.  Curtains and pillows are now available with table linens and lampshades coming soon! 

Below are the 4 spotted options I currently love at the moment - plus a few other items that quickly caught my eye this morning.

 Fabric can also be purchased by the yard - I would love to use these three prints in my living room or bedroom!!

 {this water-color herringbone print is on point}
{I will forever love this print in pale blue}

Kitchen Banquette Update!!

It's really hard for me to share early photos of a home project because I want to explain every detail that is still yet to be finished. However, my friend told me this past weekend that the "process" updates are really important and another friend chipped in "it makes the DIY seem more doable." SO here goes. I'm really excited about how it is shaping up!  

My budget is $1,000 and I'm doing really well so far, the last big purchase is the rug which I will have just over $200 to spend. I have included the details of my budget at the bottom of the post.  

>> Navy Buffalo Check pillows have yet to arrive.
>> Currently searching for a flat woven, fringe-free rug.  Try to decide between a 5x7 or 4x6...
>> I am planning an all white frame wall gallery on the walls.  I will be taking down the shelf and plates. I've been wanting to put up a corner gallery for some time now and I think this is the perfect opportunity. 
>> Planning to spray-paint the high-chair legs white to match the all white seating.  I feel like with the table legs gold, the high-chair legs are too much.  
>> The table top is from our old high-top crate&barrel table!! We attached it to Ikea trestle legs but I think it needs to be 1-2 inches higher for optimal comfort so I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen.

There is a really incredible story behind this chair. I checked online to make sure the IKEA PS 2012 chair was available at my local ikea store and it was "probably in stock." I loaded Roswelle up in the car for the quickest Ikea trip ever - in and out - I now cut through the checkout stations directly to the warehouse. I went straight to the aisle and bin to find an "out of stock" picture.  The next shipment was not scheduled until August 24th.  I was bummed to say the least. I headed out of the store but decided to roam the "as is" clearance section of Ikea.  Low and behold there was the chair, assembled and ready to be taken home with me!! I considered it a sign from up above that this project was a good idea ;) haha.  The best part? it was marked down 41% - means more budget room for the rug!! After some store credits, the chair cost $37 in total. 
{I spray-painted the chair white as soon as I got home}

{the NORNÄS bench has great storage}

{this is a great view of the "nook" I'm working with}

{a weak before/after picture but it's the best I can find right now}

Budget as of 8/17:

Two NORNÄS benches - $400
Two Trestles - $30
Metal Chair from HomeGoods - $34 
IKEA PS 2012 chair - $37
Caitlin Wilson throw pillows - $150 (splurge)
Orange HomeGoods pillows - $60
Spray Paint, White Wood Stain, Hardware - $45
Total spend to date: $756
Rug search budget: $244

Dining Chair Decisions

Two nights ago I saw this picture on Real Simple's magazine Instagram account and thought "that's what I'm doing!!!" I talked last week about how to customize your home and mis-matching chairs around your table is another great way to add intrigue to your interiors.  I browsed Ikea online last night and paired some chairs that I actually considered buying. (click on the chair names for links)

For a super simple, clean look around your table, I love the JANINGE and REIDAR chair paired together.  You can add a faux sheepskin to the seats for a warmer feel in the cooler months.

I think an ÄNGSÖ chair at each end of the table and two IDOLF chairs on each side would be a complementary setup. 

For a sleeker, more modern look in your dining area, the ESBJÖRN and TOBIAS chair are a perfect match.  

I have been planning to mis-match the 2-3 chairs that will be part of the kitchen nook I am creating for some time now. It's really fun for me to find a great deal on a chair and I really do love the hunt that is required. HomeGoods, Ikea, Flea Markets, Craigslist...I've been looking everywhere. Below are the current plans for the seating at the breakfast banquette.

This metal chair was the perfect size, shape, and price point at only $32 at HomeGoods.  The catch was that it was originally black which I easily changed with a good can of Rust-Oleum spray paint.  

After a lot of research, I have decided on the IKEA PS 2012 chair for an additional seat at our table. I will be changing the color to white and I think the shape will compliment the metal chair I already have at the table.  As always, if I don't love it once I get it to the table (pre-paint), I'll just go back to the drawing board.  No shame in changing your mind!
Bench update: I love the NORNÄS bench and it has worked perfectly for our kitchen corner! I put two coats of a white stain on them yesterday and I am so happy with the outcome.  The Instagram picture below doesn't show the detail or true coloring of the benches but they are now bright and crisp with the wood detailing still showing.

And finally, I was shocked during my research to learn how expensive some of the options at Target are in the chair department. Below is the comparison of almost an identical chair: the left option is from target for $90 each and the right option is the popular INGOLF chair for only $49!  

5 Steps to Customize Your Interiors

I've had so much fun decorating our home over the past 3 years.  I moved in to Paul's bachelor pad when we got married and immediately started changing things up by adding lamps, throw pillows, and rearranging furniture.  I have learned so much about my design style, which is still evolving, but I'm honing in on "pretty+practical". Thankfully, Paul gives me 99% of decision making power when it comes to decorating and styling our home and in return I try to only add a little pink to each room ;) (and he also gets his garage gym, of course)

I thought I would share 5 tips to customizing your home without blowing your budget or hiring a designer.  I've learned these tricks from reading numerous blog posts, studying Pinterest pictures, and the best way: trial & error. 

1 // Don't buy bedding out of a bag, and if you do, don't use it all on the same bed! 
I've walked into Bed, Bath & Beyond/HomeGoods/Macy's and loved their bed sets, but I resist the temptation to buy the entire set for my bedroom!!  If you love the comforter, of course use it, but does it come with matching pillow shams and throw pillows?  If yes, then definitely use the pillows/shams in another room - even the living room!  Chances are that you have similar colors throughout the rest of your house. Switching up the designers and brands of your bedding will make it look customized and much more stylish. 

2 // Add one unexpected item when styling shelves.  
Emily Henderson's bookshelf below has a lot of unexpected items and I absolutely love it.  It's so interesting and beautiful and I need to go redo my bookshelf in my bedroom ASAP.  The sculpture, the miniature monopoly pieces, the little desk lamp, the huge light bulb? I could study this picture for a while. I suggest starting out small by selecting one piece in your house that has a lot of meaning to you (or maybe no meaning but you think it's awesome) and go stick it on a shelf where it doesn't "belong." You might be surprised how much you love it.  

3 // Place non-kitchen furniture in your kitchen.

For instance, use an actual dresser to store your dinnerware, have a lamp on your countertop, or even a family heirloom grandfather clock in the corner next to your refrigerator. I love this breakfast nook in designer Jillian Harris's home which overlooks her kitchen, pictured below. Look around your home, there may be furniture that would serve your kitchen well!

4 // Use items in unintended ways.

I love using my decorative antler piece as a bangle holder.  Sometimes practicality needs to be pushed to the side to let creativity have the spotlight. Wooden wine boxes can become storage on walls, plates can become pieces of art, or a room divider can be a headboard! 

5 // Love what you love
The biggest advice I have is to embrace your own style, because that is what looks best on you (and around you)! Designer Erin Gates still says how much she loves her inexpensive "Lady of the Bar" and the skull she found in her backyard! If you need help figuring out a color scheme for your guest bedroom, go look in your closet to see what you gravitate towards.  If you love a side table for no other reason than it makes your heart jump a little, you should buy it! It doesn't have to be perfect, it should just be "you". Learn  to love the saying "this looks like you" - as it may just mean you found your style :) 

Kitchen Banquette Design Board

I have not worked on a house project since Roswelle was born - I think it's time! I was planning to wait until Fall but I quickly became impatient.  My mom arrives later this morning (Hallelujah!!) and Paul's mom generously let me borrow her SUV for the week.  What does that mean?  A baby-free trip to Ikea to find pieces for a Kitchen banquette!

I started out just looking for a bench that might fit as a banquette (because I just don't have the bandwidth for a real DIY). Then I kept finding pieces that could possibly work for the entire space. However, like anything in design, I'll make a final decision once the items are together and in the actual space. I really want this to work, but I really want it to be right as well.  The bench may not be long enough for corner, the table may be the wrong dimensions, the chairs may not all fit under the table...but I have to try and I want to get started now!  Ikea actually does have a great return policy, so I have time to spend the hours to build the furniture (I really do enjoy that) and feel it out.  

Below are the links and sources:

>> Liatorp Bench: This is intended to be a TV stand, but like anything in Ikea, it can be repurposed (I hope...!).  I plan to replace the knobs and I think the white version will brighten up our kitchen corner.

>> Nandor Rope Chair: This is a great (and much cheaper) option for a rope chair, which have suddenly become popular in the design world.

>> Stockholm Wooden Chair: I love this chair! If it isn't a fit for the kitchen table, I think it will have a home in our guest bedroom.

>> JR Chair 3 (how cute?!): I love this as a transition chair for Roswelle! The seat height is just a little higher than a regular chair and I can fasten her in until she is sturdy while sitting (this chair is not as tall as it appears).

>> Table: I love the thin trestle, especially since the space in our kitchen is small.  I plan to paint them gold - obviously! ;) I'm not 100% sold on the table top, I think I would prefer to make a more rustic version, and based on what I am reading, it actually wouldn't be that hard.  This could be a future post.

>> Caitlin Wilson Pillow Shams I absolutely love everything (pillows, rugs, furniture, fabric) made by Caitlin Wilson! I actually have this mint pillow and I have used it all over my house.  I love that all of her fabrics coordinate without obviously matching.

>> Glitter Guide Rug: LuLu and Georgia launched the sale of Glitter Guide's Elodie Rug and it was love at first sight for me! The designers wanted the rug to be "fun, versatile, and pretty (without being overly feminine)" which matches perfectly with my style.  However, I'm worried that the 5x8 size will be to snug in our small space.

A Dual-Purpose Centerpiece

{a table setting for 6 - your kids have everything to help set the table}

A centerpiece can be anything you want it to be; by definition it is a decorative piece or display in the middle of a dining or serving table. Living in the city with a toddler means we have little space for storage or display, causing me to get creative. I recently had to move our stemmed wine glasses from the wine buffet (/tvconsole/toyholder) in our living room to get them out of reach from curious little hands. I wanted to keep them out because I do use them often - everything tastes better in a stemmed glass, even pelligrino - but I had few options in our kitchen. I stuck them on a tray on our kitchen table and left them there until I could find a better place. Well, it's been 2 months and they are still there, and I have actually grown to love it!

It got me thinking, designing a centerpiece on your kitchen table can have dual purpose: storage and style! I came up with 4 other displays of items that you would otherwise have to store in a cabinet or on a shelf.  I hope you feel inspired!

{this is what our kitchen table looks like now, looks like I'm always ready to celebrate!}
{pull those pretty bottle stoppers out of a drawer and display them instead}
{a summer refresher tray, you can literally pick up and take straight to your back patio}
{maybe you are a newlywed with tons of pretty serving items...if you have them out, you'll probably use them more}
{and finally, to show it really can be anything, I gathered up a few of my new favorite things without specific homes and made it a "collection" (date is totally wrong - I may just be a little excited about my upcoming birthday)
p.s. I'm in LOVE with this clock! I spotted it in my mom's storage closet this past week and asked her if I could have it for my house.  It was a wedding gift from one of my dad's best-friends.  I love that it has sentimental value and completely goes with my style!

My Capsule Closet: May 2015

I did it y'all.  I created a capsule closet! I read about it first on the Unfancy blog so I'll give her the credit. A capsule closet is 37 items including tops, bottoms, dresses, jackets and shoes. 37 is not a magic number, it's just the number she decided was best so I followed suit.

The point? For me this is to remove the clutter in efforts to create a more simplistic, stress-free dressing situation/life.  I only have the items I really love and actually want to wear in my closet.  I am donating items like the Banana Republic sweater that was just a little too short so I never wore it. Why was I holding onto it? because it was from Banana Republic? really?  Someone at the local Goodwill is going to be way more excited about it than I was.  Or the jeans I wore in college that just aren't my style anymore but I keep to see if I still fit in them from time to time...who cares? tossed 'em.  

As a beginner, I am not including workout clothes or tennis shoes (sneakers up North) in my capsule.  I'm also only doing this for the month of May to start, which is at the end of a season up here.  I may try to create a 3month summer capsule next for June, July, and August; but I feel like I will enjoy a monthly one more? We'll see!

Is this going to be exciting or boring? easy or actually really hard? Only time will tell and I will let y'all know. Below are more details.  Let me know if you try this!!

{17 tops}

{7 bottoms: I have a lot of neutral tops so I included some color in the bottoms}

{2 classic jackets and 3 dresses: a LBD, a maxi, & daytime dress}

{6 of the 8 shoes}

{I set aside dresses for weddings and showers this month/summer.  If I already have something designated to wear to a special event, I'm less likely to go buy something I don't need}

{I included one graphic T - about as crazy as I get}

{I learned that I really like stripes, like everyones else I suppose}

{It still rains up here often, so I included boots a for wet, chilly days}

{accessories don't count, looks like I'll be using scarves for additional pops of color}

And because everyone loves a good before & after - here is mine!!  Congrats for reading to the bottom.  


{after - with an empty shelf and everything!}

Tidy Spaces

{my coffee bar - I say "my" because I'm the only one drinking coffee in our house}

Hello out there!! It's been a while.  With traveling and hosting throughout the Holidays and a sick baby last week it's been tough to get back on the blogging train.  I have been putting it off because I didn't have the right pictures I wanted for a post I was thinking up or decided just to do something else with the free hour I had.  But this morning I decided to snap a few quick pictures and write.  

I consistently joke that I'm an official picker-upper.  I am CONSTANTLY picking up anything and everything...and I only have ONE baby...who doesn't even walk yet! (getting close!) I am one that needs order and control so the constant state of disarray sometimes gets to me.  To find some balance, I have set up a few spaces in my house that are consistently clean and put together, and if they get messed up it only takes seconds to get them back in order.  

{I make sure to keep this space clean and always have fresh flowers, it's a dependable place of order  in the early morning}

{Paul and I share one sink with a small countertop.  I've set myself up a small space for the items I use daily, it makes me feel a little put together even when I'm a general mess}

{I make it a priority to keep the countertops clear of clutter in this corner of our kitchen.  If something is sitting there, I simply move it to the other side of the stove.  May seem simple, but having one space that is clean does wonders when I'm cooking}

{and finally I love keeping our guest bedroom clean and tidy.  Sure I will park the stroller in there when I'm in a rush or sort laundry in there but for the most part the bed is made and the surfaces are clear.  It gets little traffic since it is on the bottom level of our house which makes keeping it a dependable clean space manageable}

Updates All Around

I put this Ikea bookshelf together in literally 10 minutes flat.  It was so easy! and no tools needed! Either this is just an ikea phenomenon or Ikea has stepped it up when it comes to assembly.

The R & G will be painted soon...and I might hang them over her crib instead of scrunching them up on this shelf.  

{I've already made some changes to the wall gallery..}

I bought this heart mirror at Hobby Lobby - knowing I would paint it gold first chance I got.  

I used my fav secret weapon - Gilding Wax

I also bought the above framed art for $8.  I liked the frame and the verse but it was a little plain for me.

{I spruced it up with a black and white stripe folder I had}

ps. I'm lovinggggg black and white stripes right now...trying to find a good place for it besides this.

{tada - although I broke the glass pane in the process :/ }


Roswelle Gray Updates:

{she sleeps on her stomach or side most of the time now}

ps. paul put her jammies on backwards - I feel like every dad needs to make that mistake once, like a milestone, ha!

{she holds her bottle all on her own - finishes it all by herself (with supervision)}

{Paul's favorite thing these days is to get her when she wakes up - she is all smiles}

She's my little peanut!! I take her all over the city with me.  My grandmother, Mammie, says she was born with jets on. :)


These pictures are from Tuesday - we went into the city for an early breakfast with girlfriends and then headed up to NH to the closest Hobby Lobby with Jenny and Maddie!  

The three of us are headed to the cape this weekend (again!).  It will be another fun, low-key weekend.  Life is going well.  Even those I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) I'm still working for the weekends when Paul is around.  I have never looked forward to him getting home as much as I do now!  

Have a great weekend, y'all!