Valentine's Styling Around the House

I love the color pink, always have and probably always will. So naturally, I really enjoy styling our home in the month of February. I have to demonstrate some restraint when it comes to adding the color in our house - I have yet to use a pink rug in our house, although I think they are fabulous!

This year I went up into Roswelle's room and grabbed a few pink things that would transition well throughout the main floor - a frame, a throw, and some of her books. I grabbed a few candles and bowls from the attic which gave me a good start for styling. The only purchase made this year was the wool garland from Target which I laid on our new storage bench as well as some roses with a pink hue. 

It really doesn't take much to make your house festive, I hope you feel inspired to give it a try! 


Roswelle and I are going to make her Valentine's cards with some stickers (which I've used as a decorative confetti on the kitchen table this week), markers, and craft paper. I may even take a stab at making some paper garland for our mantel. 

Styling 101

One of my favorite hobbies is "styling". My grandfather jokes that hobbies "like those" are just another form of OCD behavior. Maybe so, but I find it to be one of the more enjoyable, relaxing, even therapeutic past-times. When Paul takes Roswelle to the park on Sunday afternoons, you’ll most likely find me at home “styling” our pantry, coffee table, even my closet.

Isn’t that just glorified organizing you might ask? Nope. The reason an organized linen closet looks so appealing in a magazine isn’t because they finally figured out the perfect place to store fabric softener, it’s because it was styled. Every object was strategically chosen and intentionally placed. Geometry comes into play when styling; angles, odd numbers, lines, symmetry, all crucial. Fun fact: I received the Geometry award in the 9th grade, which is telling I think.

We recently purchased a new acrylic coffee table from CB2. I chose the sleek style of acrylic to offset my rather traditional decorating. Gold and Navy go so well together because they are on opposite ends of the color wheel, and the same goes for style. Next time you are making a purchase, consider looking at the exact opposite of what you typically choose. You’ll be surprise at how well it compliments your current decor! The see-through element of the acrylic also opens up our rather small space; every square foot is important in city living. It was fun to have the challenge of selecting the perfect pieces (from around our home) to curate an interesting vignette in our living room. 
I've been using a long wooden cutting board as our "coaster" and it has been working so well! Small bowls of cheerios, sippy cups and cups of coffee all sit together giving my OCD something to smile about. Roswelle is also a little toddler that likes things in their place (wonder why) so she typical complies with the coffee table rules: no climbing, no banging, and putting her cup back on the board. Speaking of Roswelle and the coffee table, she loves laying underneath it and watching TV through it; it's become another great little cubby for her. And her tiny, slimy hands leave plenty of smudges on it all day long, but it's nothing I can't wipe up at the end of the day and doesn't bother me.
I was so delighted to find the little white whicker tray already in my home!! It was turned upside down on the breakfast tray I was using in front of the fireplace (seen here). It's the perfect size and color for the new coffee table and I'm really happy it has curved, circular handles to offset all of the lines. A tray on any table always adds an element of style and forces you to curate an interesting collection. A great rule of thumb that I learned from Emily Henderson, author of the Styled book on the table, is to have something vertical, horizontal, and finally a little mis-shapen piece to tie it all together and for this tray that is the little Jonathan Adler zebra dish.

Area Rug Round Up

Our living room rug takes a beating. We are not a “no shoes” household, Paul and I eat dinner at the coffee table EVERY night, and I am generally a spill-prone person, especially when I’m trying extra hard not to spill. I’m also inclined to change things up, frequently. Hence, we got a new rug (pictures coming Friday)! Considering we live in toddlerville at the moment, Paul and I made the collective decision to buy inexpensive, comfortable rugs and continue to switch them out every 2-3 years. 

I scoured the internet for discounted rugs, hitting up the usual sites: Wayfair, RugsUSA, Overstock, Ikea… I was finding plenty of rugs I loved, but not at prices I could live with – especially knowing Roswelle will inevitably spill milk on it soon after its arrival. My mom suggested I look at the rugs on HomeDepot’s website. I skeptically browsed the site, and was pleasantly surprised to find not one, but multiple affordable rugs that I actually liked, even loved! (this post is not sponsored, but it might as well be)

Below I have categorized my favorite area rugs at price points of $300, $600, and $900; all from My advice when searching for your new rug is to keep it simple, keep it classic. I have fallen into the trap of buying a trendy rug, hello espresso Chevron 5x8 rug of 2012 (if you search back far enough on the blog, you will find it!). Everything about it was wrong, the pattern was trendy, the color was bold, and the size was WAY too small – none of the furniture even touched the edges! I’ve come a long way since then, and I now select complimentary, comfy, cost-efficient rugs.

I haven’t personally tested these rugs, so I would rely heavily on customer reviews if considering to purchase.  I will say the return process is seamless.  I had a rug shipped to my local Home Depot store, changed my mind as I found a similar, slightly less expensive one at HomeGoods, and was able to return the rug for a full refund from the store without ever bringing home! We are in need of a new bedroom rug as well and I will be returning to this list when I decide to buy it!

Area Rugs // Under $300

 1 |  2 |  3 | 4 | 56 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Area Rugs // Under $600

Links //
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Area Rugs // Under $900

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (on sale now!!) | 5 | 6