Things I'm Lovin' - Food Edition

Before I throw a "you should eat this!" food list at you, I feel like I should explain where my interest in food comes from as of late. It really stems from two places...

Reason 1) Six months ago, over the summer, I went through IVF as many of you know. I decided almost on a whim (with the encouragement of a few) to eliminate Gluten and Dairy from my diet. I wanted to feel my best going through something that can be quite intense on a body. I continued my new way of eating well after IVF and our transfers only because I found it provided significant results: better mood, healthier system, and a feeling of self-control, all with little effort on my part. I was surprised that

cutting out

something made me feel significantly better rather than trying to

add in more

(greens, exercise, meds). 

Over the Holidays, I was very lax on what I ate and how much Gluten/Dairy came across my plate. I noticed the effects almost overnight. My skin began to break out, I felt bloated - not that I had necessarily gained any weight - but my joints felt achy in the morning, and I knew there was a better way for me to eat.

On yet another whim, I decided on December 31st that I would start #whole30 on January 2nd. I saw a few food bloggers posting about it and decided I would give it a try. For the first 4-5 days I only ate vegetables, meat, and a few nuts. I cut out fruit, rice, quinoa, peanut butter, dark chocolate...all things I would normally eat. The first week was rough - I had a temper and felt sad/whiny. BUT by Saturday the 7th, I felt strong and compelled to keep going the entire30 days! I have now added a limited amount of fruit (mostly berries) back into my diet but that's really the only change from the first week.

The #whole30 challenge has encouraged me to try new recipes with new ingredients which I have found very exciting and motivating. There was no way I was going to last on chicken, broccoli, and sweet potatoes for dinner for 30 days.

Reason 2) The new recipes/new ingredients mentioned above leads me to the second reason for the list...

As I mentioned in my New Year's resolution post, I'm trying to cut out impulse purchases. SO instead of browsing around Target or T.J. Maxx, I have started browsing Whole Food aisles, looking for random ingredients like macadamia nut oil, chile chipotle peppers, and nutritional yeast. I'm filling my urge to "shop" while making healthier food for Paul, myself, and Roswelle - a win, win or sorts (gotta start somewhere)!

One could argue I'm probably spending the same amount of money in the end (esp at Whole Foods) but Paul and I have made the collective decision to never make financial cuts when it comes to the food we eat. Buying healthy, sustainable, life-giving food will improve our life quality...

eek, I'm starting to sound like one of those annoying podcast people...

I think it's time to get to the food list!

I have a mediocre surface level understanding of the significant health benefits of the food listed below. I encourage y'all to do some of your own reading if any of these items seem particularly interesting to you!

Clockwise-ish from top left:

1) Macadamia Nuts/ Macadamia Nut Oil - The Macadamia nut has the highest level of Omega 3's, which many nutritionist are saying we don't get enough of in our diet. We get plenty of Omega 6's however, maybe too much. I've recently limited my intake of walnuts, pecans (which are high in O-6's) and significantly increased consumption of fish, raw macadamia nuts, and macadamia nut oil (I suggest replacing any recipe calling for vegetable/canola oil with macadamia, avocado, or coconut oil).

2) Ginger - Another immune booster and anti-inflammatory agent, I pop a knob of ginger in my shake every morning.

3)Pasture-raised eggs - There always seems to the next best thing with food, and for us, it's pasture-raised eggs.  Organic eggs are great, but the chickens are often kept in confinement. Pasture raised eggs are from you guessed it, pasture raised (roaming) chicken. Doesn't that just seem better? 

4) Sardines - Speaking of Omega 3's, I have a personal goal to eat sardines once or twice a month. It can be difficult to stomach for some, but I've find them very manageable when on a seed cracker with a little goat cheese. A dairy cheat for me, but I consider it worth while to get the nutritional value of sardines into my diet. Sardines are also high in calcium which can be difficult to come by when eating dairy free!

5) Taza's 80% Dark Chocolate - Just enough sweetness and high in antioxidants, but it's also bitter enough to keep me from eating the whole bar. Also Taza's chocolate is made locally here in Boston and it has a distinct texture that I really like!

6) Green Juice w/ low sugar - I read an article in W magazine interviewing the nutritionist to Gwyneth Paltrow, Frank Lipman. He says that green juices, if you are going drink them, should only have 5grams of sugar or less per bottle. I have found this extremely difficult to manage, as an apple which is commonly found in green juices, has 19g of sugar on it's own! However I have found 2 that get close enough -- Evolution: Sweet Greens with 10g of sugar & Suja: Uber Greens with only 6g of sugar per bottle!

7) RAW nuts - Go RAW y'all. Skip the roasted almond butter, peanuts, or cashews and grab the raw version instead. This will ensure you are getting the most nutritional value out of your nuts or nut butter. 

8) Tumeric - The super spice/seasoning of 2017. The health benefits and healing powers of this little plant go on and on and have been on several health food lists lately. I've even seen a coffee shop offer a tumeric latte!

9) Nutritional Yeast - I just used this for the first time last week. Some things just seem too good to be good for you...and this was one of them for me. A golden flaky powder that is supposed to taste cheesy when cooked? How can this be good for me? But the flakes are high in B vitamins, notably B12, and considered to be an antiviral, antibacterial immune booster. My favorite way to use it is over steamed broccoli or meat sauce/spaghetti. Many friends use it on popcorn as well! The Bob's Red Mill brand carries it and can be found in most grocery stores.

10) Home-made Bone Broth - Our grandmother and great grandmother will roll their eyes at us for making this a "super-food" or "super-fad" because they have been making it for generations. Either way, this is something I suggest adding to your rotation of cooking. The collagen/gelatin extracted from the bones is extremely restorative - even wrinkle resistant!

Next Tuesday, Things I'm Lovin' - Home Edition will be up!

Things I'm Lovin' - Personal Style

Over the next three weeks I'll be writing a series "Things I'm Lovin'" covering three areas: personal style, food, and home. These are items I use almost every day. The last thing I want to do is give you 


 things to buy right after Christmas, however my guess is that 1-2 items from each list will interest you.

Now for the first list! When I'm in the house with a toddler, I prefer to dress in a way that I can be ready to go out and about anytime of the day. I have used or worn these items almost everyday so far in 2017. And I love that a couple of these items allow me to transition seamlessly from a yoga/spin class to a brunch with girlfriends or Paul (an ideal weekend morning, however for me, leaving the house is typically a trip to Trader Joe's with Roswelle in tow!). 

Promoting activity, versatility, and self-love...these items literally keep me going.

Links and explanations of products are listed below:

Everyday Style in January


Convertible Cozy Fleece Pullover ($132)

: I received a similar convertible cape for Christmas from Paul's mother (from Lulu, but no longer available) and it is something I wear almost everyday. I'm basically wearing a chic blanket. Long enough to pair with leggings or yoga pants, this versatile piece can be dressed up or down. It's my favorite item of clothing at the moment!


Love Your Melon Pom Beanie ($45)

: I couldn't write it better myself, so I took this beanie's story directly from the website: "

On a mission to improve the lives of children battling cancer since October 22nd, 2012, Love Your Melon began with the simple idea of putting a hat on every child battling cancer in America. 

After achieving the original goal of donating 45,000 hats— one for every child battling cancer in America — Love Your Melon set a new goal of donating one million dollars to pediatric cancer research and providing immediate support to children and their families. 

Fifty percent (50%) of profit from the sale of all Love Your Melon products is given to Love Your Melon’s 

nonprofit partners

 in the fight against pediatric cancer." 


S'well bottle ($45)

: In an effort to declutter my life, I'm now using one bottle for water. The S'well bottle is mostly used for water (hot or cold) but has also worked as my fruit smoothie bottle! I love the clean, fresh look of the white (thank you, Emily, for gifting me this!)


Sakroots Charging Wristlet ($38)

: Sure, I carry way more than a wristlet during the day (picture: human camel) but with all the things I have to remember, it is nice to have only one thing to grab for myself which carries my keys, phone, cards, and will even charge my phone. I live in a state of "less than 20% battery charged" most days so this little gadget is handy for me. And it's cute to boot!


ghd Classic Curl Iron ($160):

 I feel my best when I take just 15 minutes in the morning to get ready for the day, that includes adding a few curls to my hair. Definitely an investment compared to my old Conair curling iron, but this iron heats up in less than 20 seconds and the curls last ALL DAY, if not 2 days, due to it's special heat technology. Recently, my hair hadn't been holding any curl, so this new iron is a game-changer for me.


Gold Stacking Rings ($14)

: Simple, inexpensive, and shows I gave myself a little extra thought in the morning. It's all in the details, sometimes. 


S.W. Basics Lip Cream ($12)

: In the middle of winter, nothing takes a beating more than my lips and skin. I drink plenty of water but it isn't enough to combat the below freezing temps and dry air in Boston. I received this lip balm in a 

Petit Vour

 box last January and I'm still using it!


Tieks ballet flats ($175):

 These flats LAST. I can tear through some flats but my pair of Tieks have lasted me 4 seasons of city-living with little wear or tear. Staying with the theme of decluttering my life, these are my chosen flats for everyday life.  Yes, they are very expensive, but arguably worth the money.  


Origins Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay ($26)

: My girlfriend told me she liked the results of the Origins Rose Clay mask, so I gave it a try and it's now my favorite. It evens out my skin tone and the act of putting on a mask at night makes me feel like I'm giving myself some love, which probably has the most to do with the good results. I use the mask maximizer spray and drink-up mask (pictured above) on a regular basis as well.


Honest Organic Body Oil ($10)

: I used this body oil over the weekend at my girlfriend's and immediately ordered it when I got home. I'm not a fan of lotion, mostly because of typical ingredients, but a bottle of organic oils fits the bill. Feels great going on, preferably after a shower, and lasts all day. I highly suggest!!

My Personal Care Routine

If you were to look in my bathroom today, these are the products you would find. And before we get any further, Beauty Counter products are in my future. To all you Beauty Counter lovers out there, I hear you and I'm listening! Instead of doing a huge overhaul of my personal care products, I plan to introduce changes one by one.

For those of you ready to make a step in the right direction and looking for some cleaner, safer products to use in your everyday routine, I've listed out the products I've been using and currently like.

And I should also say....the best beauty secret out there is water, water, water. Drink water!! It will only enhance the health of your hair, skin, and nails and the effects of the products mentioned below.

My Personal Care Routine

1. Kai Shampoo & Contioner: My mom and I bought this product from a small shop side-walk sale and we've both been hooked ever since. The shampoo & conditioner combo gives a squeaky clean feel with little residue left. My hair feels lighter, manageable and allows me to only wash my hair once a week.**

2. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Bar Soap: I use the bar for my face and the body wash (not pictured) for the rest. I'm so confident in this product that I'm willing to say I will never use anything else (especially on my face). The first ingredient is water and the second is organic coconut oil which leaves my skin clean without being stripped of it's natural oils.*

3. Fresh Rose Mask: I mentioned this product in a Favorite Things post a few weeks ago. It had to be included in this post as well as it is a step in my nightly routine. Right after I wash my face, I spread a very thin layer of the rose mask over my face before applying my night-time moisturizer.**

4. Origins Plantscriptions Night Cream: I've been using Origin products on my face for a couple years now. Proven to be one of the cleaner (in terms of unnecessary chemicals) products out there while still being affordable. I use the daytime cream (not pictured) in the morning which has SPF25.**

5. Jasons Deodorant: I feel like I should give full disclosure here...because those of you that know me really well, know that I don't wear deodorant (gasp!!). For the rest of you...ta-da!...I don't wear it. I stopped wearing it when I was nursing Roswelle and decided to let my body adjust and rarely need it anymore. However, on the rare occasions I go out dancing or to a function that I might be particularly nervous about...I throw on the most basic unscented deodorant I can find. This Jason's line seems to do the trick!** ....(I think this W Magazine article is worth a read)

6. Origins Charcoal Detoxifying Mask: This is my secret weapon when my skin needs a little pick me up and I want to look fresh-faced in the morning. I leave on for 10-15 minutes and make sure to add extra moisturizer after.**

7. Sephora Face Masks: One method of extra moisturizer (as mentioned in #6) is a Sephora Face Mask. A great gift for any girlfriend or stocking stuffer, these masks really work. I'm prone to breakouts and have yet to have a reactions to these mask, no matter which one I select. I keep these on hand when I need to look refreshed for special date nights, after a long trip, holiday parties, or when I need to give myself some extra care.

8. Philips Sonicare Toothbrush: I'm the worst at getting to the dentist on a regular basis (unlike Paul who never misses an appt). But this Sonicare toothbrush got me an A+ from my dental hygienist even though it had been 2 years since my last cleaning (yikes!).

9. Shea Butter Lotion: We don't love using lotion in our household, Paul has a theory that it only makes your skin dryer. But in the depths of winter when no amount of water intake keeps my skin hydrated enough, we turn to raw organic shea butter. It feels like putty in my fingers, but once I start to lather on my legs, it coats evenly and absorbs well. And it doesn't stain everything like coconut oil!!*

10. Clarisonic Mia 2: A long-time friend to my skin, I've been using the clarisonic for years. I change the brush every 3 months and only use 2x a week during the winter, as opposed to nightly in the summer when my skin can handle it.

11. Tom's Simply White Toothpaste: I've been a Crest Whitening toothpaste user since high school, but a couple years ago made the switch to Tom's because less is best in our products!*

*I purchase these products from my favorite grocery store, Trader Joe's!
**I order these products on Amazon, usually at a discounted price and with free shipping.

LDW Plans: Chequessett Cafe and Food Truck!

I know for certain this will be our last weekend weekend at the cottage in Truro. We have had no shortage of sun for us this summer. So while the forecast has some cooler temps and clouds, we will be enjoying the yard, food truck, and chasing waves. I pulled out all of the navy and orange I could find to dress Roswelle, Maddie, and Teddy for the big Auburn game on Saturday. War Eagle!

Speaking of food truck, I plan to eat numerous meals at our new favorite spot just a short walk away from the cottage, Chequessett Chocolate Cafe and Joey's Food truck. If you follow on me on Instagram, you know how much I love it there. I've been gluten and dairy free for some time now, and this shop provides a healthy take on all things I crave. The corn tortilla tacos are super satisfying and the coldbrew shakes with cocoa and almond milk from Chequessett feel absolutely indulgent. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of either - I always inhale everything too quickly to get a good picture. However - I do have a cute snap video of Paul and Roswelle about to do 'work, work, work' on the tacos at the end of this post (fingers crossed it actually plays).

As you can see in the pictures below, it's a family favorite! Hope you have a wonderful 3 day weekend.


Our go-to Salad

Y'all really seemed to like the fajita in a bowl and requested more simple, healthy, home-cooked meals.  I love the feedback and will always try to meet your requests.  I also love to read how you put your own spin on something I've shared.  

Today I'm sharing our kale "salad" we eat weekly.  I put quotations around salad because it has bacon, avocado and chicken which satisfies even the hungriest of humans >> Paul.  He won't eat a "salad" but he gladly eats this every week.  Other ingredients like sliced apple, bell peppers, almonds, lemon juice, or goat cheese are optional but the bones of the salad are baby kale, bacon, chicken, avocado and a simple dressing of evoo & white balsamic vinegar.  (detailed recipe is at the end of the post for easy reference)

I've found that using baby kale is the easiest because you don't have to pick out the stems.  You detail oriented readers out there will notice that this picture above is different from the others.  I started this post last week but finished it this week, and this week we had regular thick kale and a red pepper not orange.  :D

Pull out your pans, toss your chicken and bacon on them, salt&pepper the chicken.  Place chicken in oven at 350degrees for 45 minutes, add bacon to oven with 15/20 left.  I love baking chicken for recipes because I can toss it in and walk away. 

Chopping the peppers or apple is the hardest step. You will get better and faster with practice. 

This is why I don't buy regular Kale for salad, picking out the stems is too time consuming!

Best way to prep avocado is in the shell, then just scoop out with a spoon.

sliced almonds are optional

As shown above, bacon will get crispy in the oven, which is how I prefer it!

EVOO and white balsamic vinegar is the only dressing I use.  You can add lemon juice if you have it.

A healthy, satisfying, fairly quick and home-made dinner!


1 bag of baby Kale
1lb chicken strips
1lb bacon
2 sliced bell peppers (red, orange, or yellow)
1 sliced green apple
2 avocados
handful of sliced almonds
goat cheese
evoo & white balsamic vinegar to taste

Bake Chicken (45min and Bacon (15-20min) in oven at 350degrees. Slice peppers, avocado, apple. Toss kale, veggies, chopped chicken & bacon, and additional toppings together. Dress and serve. Great options for a salad the next day as well! 

Fajita in a Bowl

While it's nothin' fancy, I typically make dinner 5 nights a week.  Even on the long, busy days, I manage to get chicken in the oven, steam some broccoli, and get some rice cooking on the stove.  To make getting a meal on the table a stress-free experience, I rotate between 5 meals each week - this fajita bowl being one of them.  It's quick with minimal prep (approx. 15 minutes) and its healthy! 

I love meals where I can throw it in the oven and walk away...because this precious peanut my leg constantly heart strings.

Below are the simple steps:

1) Toss chicken strips/breasts into a baking dish, slice up some red/yellow bell peppers to throw on top and pour your favorite salsa (instant seasoning) all over everything! Place in the oven at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes (aka free time).

2) About 15 minutes before chicken is done, slice up some avocado & tomatoes, shred cheese (if desired), and start some rice on the stove (...more hands-free time)

3) A secret ingredient is to replace sour cream with plain greek yogurt - you won't be able to taste the difference and it's so much healthier.

4) Pull out chicken, place on top of rice, add sliced tomatoes, cheese, avocado, and greek yogurt and enjoy!! 

I love healthy, home-made meals that require little effort -  I hope you try it!

A Simple Salad on a Simple Monday

I was asked to bring a green salad to my niece Maddie's birthday party on Sunday,  and I put together  a winner.  It's a light, sweet, and simple salad which is perfect for summer.  It includes the smallest amount of honey, sliced apricots and fresh lemon juice.  It was a hit at the party, so I thought I would share!  Recipe is at the end of the post.

I liked the salad so much, I made it again yesterday for a picnic with Roswelle.  It was one of those Mondays,  where both Roswelle and I needed to be outside.  She was clingy and I was frustrated and we had two hours together until her next nap.  Less than a half-mile away from our house is a small, shaded spot on the "hill" in our neighborhood; the perfect spot for a picnic.  We didn't need much: a blanket, snacks (this salad included), and drinks. This little 45 minute outing turned my day around - I think we may go again today!

{Blue eyes and milk mustache}

{oddly enough, nothing makes me happier than when she is messy as can be}

//salad recipe//
handful of arugula, dash of evoo & white balsamic vinegar, fresh lemon juice, 1/4 tsp of honey, goat cheese, sliced apricots, dried cranberries, and walnuts.  I also priced it out based on my receipt; it comes to a less than $4 lunch!

A Thanksgiving Hash

(The sunnyside up egg is optional - but adds even more flavor and nutrition!}

Just in time for Thanksgiving, the dish you must have on the table this year: Brussel Sprout Hash.

Paul and I made this a few weeks ago while we were in Georgia and we have been making it every chance we get, ever since.  It's a super healthy meal (Paleo of course) and it packs a TON of flavor.  Don't like brussels? - just give this a shot - even my grandfather liked it! 

You can find the recipe at the end of the post but below are some step-by-step shots of the easy dish.  I suggest using super fresh, local ingredients, it really makes a difference!

A MUST for this meal is to have a wide vegetable peeler as pictured above.  It will prevent you from cursing yourself for starting this meal (and me for suggesting it) during the peeling process. 

{cut the peeled squash in half and scoop out the seeds (toss) - then chop in into medium chunks}

{slice the brussel sprouts - about 4-5 slices a sprout}

{my little helper, eating her broccoli}

{the ingredients (not pictured: evoo, salt, & pepper)}

{her favorite food - sweet potatoes!}

The secret to making this meal distinct from anything else on the menu is the bacon grease.  According to the recipe, you will bake the bacon while chopping the other ingredients.  Once the bacon is done, pour the grease from the pan directly into the sautéing pan!

{sauté the squash and onion first, then add brussels, chopped bacon, evoo, and s&p}

If you want to get fancy, top off the hash with a sunnyside up egg.

As seen below, the longer the hash cooks the better and softer it will get.  I hope you take a chance on this dish this year and enjoy it as much as we have! 

Recipe, serves 8-10

  1. 1lb uncured bacon
  2. 1 large butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed
  3. 1/2-1 small red onion, finely diced
  4. 40-45 (1stalk) Brussels sprouts, stemmed and sliced
  5. 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  6. Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  7. 2-3 eggs, optional
  1. Place the bacon in a separate pan and bake at 350 until crisp. Set aside on a paper towel-lined plate and crumble into pieces. Pour the bacon grease in the pan.
  2. Add the butternut squash and onion to the pan and cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft. Stir in the Brussels sprouts, along with a tablespoon of olive oil. Season generously with salt and pepper to taste. Sauté for 8-10 minutes until the Brussels sprouts are dark green and fork-tender.
  3. Add the crumbled bacon back into the pan and stir. Optional: Make two or three small wells in the hash and crack an egg into each. Cover and cook until the eggs are set. Serve immediately.

kabobs >> frittata

This past weekend was our first weekend back in Boston in several weeks.  To ease the pain of no longer being at the beach on a Friday night, I decided to make Paul a big meal for Friday night. I stopped by Whole Foods to pick up fresh healthy ingredients for the weekend.  

While in the produce section, I spotted some pre-made kabobs and decided to buy the ingredients to make my own, figuring I could make more for my money since I knew I had wooden skewers at home.  

{Ingredients: Red&Yellow peppers, local grape tomatoes, onion, mushrooms}

{I soaked the wooden skewers to try to avoid them burning on the grill}

I was able to make 6 total; one is not pictured. To make kabobs you chops the items up into big chunks, so the process is very fast.  These took me maybe 10 minutes.

{Skirt Steak!}

Not the prettiest picture I have ever taken - but it was one of the best home made meals in a while.  Simple vegetable skewers, cauliflower rice, roasted asparagus, skirt steak with only salt&pepper.  No processed ingredients, no additives, no stress! 

I have become a little neurotic about food as I am preparing to feed Roswelle real food...I'm working on finding the balance between feeding her healthy, organic, nonGMO, local food and being a realistic American (hehe...ehhhhhhh). 
<insert scared wide-eyed emoji here>

BACK to my post! The next morning I used the leftovers to make a frittata.  A new mom I met in a baby & barre class I go to gave me the idea - she said she just throws in her leftover veggies into a pie plate and adds eggs - so easy! 

{2 kabobs, cooked asparagus, raw kale and 10 eggs; butter the dish; baked at 350 for 35 minutes}

{I topped mine with feta cheese}

Paul and I ate the entire a pound of bacon. In one seating. Good thing i'm training for the half!

Frittatas are our new favorite thing.  You can get really creative with it.  If Paul ate cheese, I would add a few scoops of goat cheese to it before baking. Next time I might add bacon IN the frittata - BOOM. 

frittatas make me say hakuna matata

Almond Pancakes

Just in time for the weekend...I have an almond pancake recipe for your Saturday morning breakfast! We made these last weekend at the cape on a whim - Paul looked up a recipe and selected based on the ingredients we had at the cottage.  It wound up being delicious and more importantly they looked good too.  I can't tell you how many paleo baking recipes I make and it just doesn't look as appetizing as the regular baked items.  I am someone that definitely eats with my eyes and I appreciate presentation of food just as much as the taste.  Bonus: after eating these health packed little cakes - you don't feel lathargic and in need of a nap.  I went on a run after eating these and felt great.  
If you are more of a waffle person - check out these almond waffles.

The recipe is simple  1 1/2 cups of almond flour, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Combine and your done.  This makes 6 pancakes.  I must warn you they are very...nutty. You can definetely tweak the recipe by using almond milk, adding coconut or regular flour for taste, etc.  The thinner the batter the thinner the pancake and vice-versa.  Have fun with it!

To balance the nuttines of the pancake, we make a wild berry compote.  Use frozen organic wild berries (Trader Joe's Fancy Berry medley is my favorite) and local honey.  Warm in the pan until a think sauce consistency. 

The key to the perfect pancake: no butter in the well heated pan and wait to flip until you see the bubbles! (pictured above)

{that's a beautiful stack of health if I do so say so myself}

        Enjoy! I enjoy mine with the berries AND maple syrup - organic obviously (I can feel my brothers rolling there eyes) ;)