My Version of Shake'nBake Chicken

Last night, I made my own version of "shake'nbake" chicken for dinner.  It's super easy to make, bake, and cleanup --> winner, winner, chicken dinner!! Doing my own shake'nbake allows me to use all wholesome, organic, fresh ingredients ('cuz you know this won't fly in our house). The idea is simple: pound, season, and bread your chicken all in one bag and then move chicken to the cooking surface.  Last night, I fried one piece on the stove-top and baked the other in the oven, just to see which I like better.  Personally, I lovedddd the fried version! It fell apart just a smidge but it was packed with so much flavor and did not dry out.  

The full recipe and instructions are at the bottom of the post.  Let me know if you try it!

{While I was making dinner, she was eating hers! she still won't touch chicken}
{the very home-made, fried version - don't judge by the looks of it, it was so good}
{These are currently on my kitchen island and I just love them}


1 Large Ziplock Bag
2 Chicken Breast
1 Lemon
1 tbsp of Avocado Oil 
1 cup Almond Flour
Dash of Salt & Pepper

If baking:
Turn oven to 350 degrees.  Place chicken breast into bag and close.  Pound chicken using flat side of tool.  Add lemon juice from 1 lemon and avocado oil.  Close bag and shake so that chicken is evenly covered.  Add almond flour and salt & pepper. Close bag and shake so that chicken is evenly covered.  Take chicken out of bag and place directly onto baking dish.  Add a slice of lemon on top of chicken for garnish.

If frying:
Pour 1-2 tablespoons of avocado oil to large frying pan.  Add chicken and cover, leaving a small opening from lid.  Carefully flip chicken every 3-4 minutes until chicken is well cooked (12-14 minutes).