Tidy Spaces

{my coffee bar - I say "my" because I'm the only one drinking coffee in our house}

Hello out there!! It's been a while.  With traveling and hosting throughout the Holidays and a sick baby last week it's been tough to get back on the blogging train.  I have been putting it off because I didn't have the right pictures I wanted for a post I was thinking up or decided just to do something else with the free hour I had.  But this morning I decided to snap a few quick pictures and write.  

I consistently joke that I'm an official picker-upper.  I am CONSTANTLY picking up anything and everything...and I only have ONE baby...who doesn't even walk yet! (getting close!) I am one that needs order and control so the constant state of disarray sometimes gets to me.  To find some balance, I have set up a few spaces in my house that are consistently clean and put together, and if they get messed up it only takes seconds to get them back in order.  

{I make sure to keep this space clean and always have fresh flowers, it's a dependable place of order  in the early morning}

{Paul and I share one sink with a small countertop.  I've set myself up a small space for the items I use daily, it makes me feel a little put together even when I'm a general mess}

{I make it a priority to keep the countertops clear of clutter in this corner of our kitchen.  If something is sitting there, I simply move it to the other side of the stove.  May seem simple, but having one space that is clean does wonders when I'm cooking}

{and finally I love keeping our guest bedroom clean and tidy.  Sure I will park the stroller in there when I'm in a rush or sort laundry in there but for the most part the bed is made and the surfaces are clear.  It gets little traffic since it is on the bottom level of our house which makes keeping it a dependable clean space manageable}

Organization: Food!

By now I hope your Thanksgiving left-overs have been eaten! It is the perfect time to clean out your refrigerator and store your food strategically.  Our fridge may look empty to some, but this has a full week's worth of food.  Some tips, use parchment paper as a liner for your shelves for easy cleaning, take food out of bags/containers as soon as you get home (I store my eggs in extra glass vases!), and display healthy food at eye level.  

**I can't believe I'm showing the inside of my refrigerator.  It feels personal?!? ha!

{fresh fruit with lots of color}

{plenty of vegetables, one of two full drawers}

{when possible, store your drinks in clear containers that make things look cleaner}

{follow suit in the pantry, instead of having bags falling all over the place, put items in mason jars}

{since we try to avoid processed foods, we don't use much pantry space (just ignore my chips) ;)}