Life Lately: 2014 Summer Wrap-up

Welp!...summer is officially over.  It was the busiest and best one yet, we made it to Truro 11 out of the 13 weekends we had available this summer.  This past weekend, Labor Day Weekend, was the best weekend of the summer in terms of beach weather - ending things on a high note. 

From Left to Right: Sandy, Ross, Paul, Roswelle, me, Jenny, Maddie, Rob.  We used a self-time to take the picture and I actually like that we are off center just a smidge.  

This past weekend we made it out to an early breakfast at my favorite spot in Provincetown.

{something was very intriguing apparently}

The girls are great early in the morning.  Paul and I will be making it to a lot more brunch spots than dinner spots this Fall, which is a-ok with me. 

By the end of the summer Roswelle was very used to the beach routine.

In between holding their babies up in the air, Rob and Paul played endless amounts of volleyball this Summer.

{Roswelle loves to sit up and LOVES tags!}

{Roswelle and Gigi (Sandy)}

{bath time}

{I think every baby should be bathed in the sink at least once}

{Madelyn Grace agrees with me}

{she looked like a doll to me the other morning at breakfast - hello eyelashes!}

{baby curls}

It was a great summer!  (thanks for posing Maddie!)

Personal update: tbt (on a Wednesday) to my cheerleading days.  I'm running the Newport Half Marathon on October 12th.  I'm up to 7 milessss.  I guess you could say I was giving myself a little pep/cheer/dance here (after completing the run).  Paul kept making fun of me for saying I needed to get amped up for my run but it is true!! It is hard to get myself out the door knowing I'll be running for over an hour instead of taking care of my baby/family.  I have to continue to work on taking care of myself and I know the healthier I am, the happier(and healthier) Roswelle will be.  

Sooooo long Summer.  I'm welcoming Fall with open arms (in a cute sweater/scarf/boot combo).  ;)

Roswelle Gray: 3 months old!

It makes me sad that I don't get to blog as much these days...I don't want to only blog about my new baby but it is pretty much what my life consists of now.  We are ordering a new stove this week so that will be a fun house update post coming up.  Roswelle is becoming a little more independent where she will actually play on her activity mat for a good chunk of time so maybe I can do some fun things around the house soon and blog it up.

BUT back to R... she is 3 1/2 months already!  She is getting more and more animated and her eyes keep getting bluer...hopefully they will reach Paul's crystal blue.  

Below are some shots of what we have been up to lately...if you follow me on Instagram some of these will be repeats. (follow us - our handles are @saralaurenl and @paul_lash)

My mom bought us the BoB stroller and we loveeeee it (including R!) She will typically fall asleep in it - even while I run.  It has been a great motivator to get me running again.  It is so light and smooth.  I definitely recommend it for an active stroller.  

{having the best time!}

Walking down Longnook Beach two weekends ago.  Paul's mom bought a 10ft umbrella and 2 kid sized tents for the girls to lay in out of the sun.  Yesterday Roswelle took a 2hr nap on the beach.  

{Paul and I had a date night at a Zac Brown Band concert in Fenway}

{my "Maine-iac" in her Lobstah attire]

{she dipped her toes in the chilly pool and was pretty content}

{baby blues and pink lips}

{all smiles}

{July 4th with her cousin Madelyn who is 8wks younger than Roswelle}

{tub time at the cottage}

Above is my favorite picture to date.  This was at 7am and everyone was happy and calm. 

{I love this picture - her chin is out of control - in the best way}

I hope y'all had a fun and safe 4th of July!  I'll be posting about our new stove when it comes in.  Have a great week!